Friday, January 26, 2007

Seed's Sketchy Relationship Theories --- Chapter 2 excerpts.


What Is ..?

“The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us.
If all but myself were blind, I should want neither fine clothes,
fine houses nor fine furniture.”

-Ben Franklin

…This book is a practical and humorous guide to the perils of dating and relationships. It could quite easily be placed in the Relationship, Self Help, Comedy or Bargain Bin sections of your favorite bookstore. It draws from years of relationship adventures (mistakes) and a lot of fun and confusion (drunken lonely nights)... will help you make big strides both in your dating and personal lives…

…Seed’s Sketchy Guide is ultimately a series of essays on the different aspects of relationships, dating and the world...

…Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories: A Guide to the Perils of Dating may not be for everyone … fuck that, it is for EVERYONE!!! It will help some people wind their way through the often scary and evil world of dating, relationships, breaking up, starting over again, and most importantly, being as happy…

…If you want to live an exciting fulfilling life: STRIVE TO BE THE EXCEPTION! You will be the one with the smile on your face, not the one who is desperately trying to prove that they are the EXCEPTION!

Seed’s Sketchy Guide will help you navigate your way through all of the steps of relationships, from the first date to “I do” and everything in between. It will help you to decide whether you should stay, leave, or just stick around for the sex. It will help you to put the fun back into dating and relationships...

Let’s give our kids a chance. Single parenthood is not an achievement and staying together for the kid’s sake may even be less of an accomplishment. It’s simple: if you do not want to raise your own children, then don’t have any…

…Seed’s Sketchy Guide is truly a love story. It is filled with passion and a positive message of the ideal world, sort of a utopia. You just need to read between the lines to find the positive message…

…My advice to those of you who are really offended by the word FUCK, don’t read it out loud…

…regardless of style we feel the positive message of the book is far more important than style --- so, sit back, relax and enjoy!

Check back for excerpts from: chapter 3: why?

The Tomorrow File

The Tomorrow File

by: Lawrence Sanders

Lawrence Sanders, Mr. Bestseller. Below you will find some excerpts from the simple most provocative thriller by the superstar author of THE FIRST DEADLY SIN. It is his million-copy thriller about the nightmare of tomorrow of planned sex and casual terror, where a man and woman who dare to love are hunted as dangerous criminals.

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Why have I included these excerpts on our site?
Two reasons:
  1. I’ve just finished reading the book and though, it was written in the early 70s, and it was written about the future, the late 90s, the excerpts “wigged” me out. See if they have the same effect on you.
  2. It has turned into excerpt day, search around and you’ll find some excerpts from chapter 2: why? Of SEED’S SKETCHY RELATIONSHIP THEORIES. Okay, 3 reasons;
  3. Why not promote other authors that we’ve enjoyed?

That’s all for now. Enjoy the excerpts and while you at it, remember to visit and purchase a copy or our book.


Remember, the following was written in the 70s and he’s forecasting the 90s. Enjoy!

…“Illegal?” he demanded. “then change the laws. Tradition? As ephemeral as slavery and dueling. Morality? Someone said it’s all a matter of time and geography. Religion? Valuable, but only as a function of the state. Social order? It is what the government says it is. Yes, the solutions we propose are radical. Or may appear radical. Because the problems are new. Have never been faced before. Zero population growth. Energy crunch. World-wide terrorism. Ecological decay. Genetic engineering. Nuclear blackmail. All relatively new problems. That not only demand new solutions, as Nick said, but demand a new way of computing. Of seeing the interdependence of all human activities. A lot of things have been cherished for a long, long time will have to go. Must go! There are no absolutes. Free elections? Free speech? The Bill of Rights? Freedom of worship? Personal privacy? They’ve all been restricted during times of crisis. And they are all relatively young concepts. Some of them less than two hundred years old. They worked well for that timespan. But we can no longer afford them. We must compute new concepts, a new Bill of Rights, to see us through the approaching crisis. And it is coming. As certainly as I know the reality of our presence here, in this room, I know it is coming. And the only way to even begin to cope is put away the slogans of yesterday, the shibboleths of today’s political system and social organization. I put it to you this way: Is there one of you who would not voluntarily relinquish your individual freedom if, by relinquishing that freedom, you helped guarantee the survival of the human species? That is not just a ‘what if’ question. It is an exact statement of the choice we may be facing… Because only strange new ideas can ensure the survival of our society. Of our species. That is what we’re really talking about---survival. The Department of Creative Science will be the first step toward bringing science and technology into a policymaking role in the US Government. Reject it, and you reject the future.”…

…About ten days later, I was in Bismarck, North Dakota, addressing the annual convention of the Association of US Historians. I was not about to tell historians that history was inoperative. That I no longer offered precedents. Some of my remarks:

“As historians, you must know that most civilizations have perished. Or are perishing. Birth, growth, stop. It is the fate of most objects and most societies. Some in a wink, some longer. Some by interior rot, some by external aggression…”

“…Basically, PT is based on the realization that food was then in short supply and would be for the foreseeable future. Therefore food must be used strategically and tactically as an offensive weapon. Since we could not feed the entire world, we could best serve our won interests by our choice of who buys our wheat, who gets our corn, who is shipped enough soybeans and fertilizer to allow them to continue to exist as viable nations. And at what level of subsistence. Some nations inimical to us would have to go down the pipe. Others we could maintain at a starvation level, a malnutrition level, or, if we wished, a comfortable level approximating our own calorie-consumption rate…”

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the excerpts. Do you see why I’m wigged out? I suggest buying Mr. Sanders book. It’s a good read. While at it pick up a copy or our first book.

His future may have passed, but it seems to be upon us now and if we don’t get a grasp on some of this shit, I suggest: DUCKING.

See you soon!

Link o' the week...

Link o’ the week…

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New years resolution: in the tank. Girth expanding. Countable chins. Eight chins. Too many chins. O', o': Ear flab. Scream!
Why is it so confusing? What shall I eat? What can I eat? I just want to friggen eat.

Well, we feel for you. For a moment I even lost site of my toes. I like my toes. Where did my toes go? Where did that other thingy go? I miss my toes and that thingy? I want them back. I'd say, "we want them back," however, maybe too personal and I'm sure the rest of my crew... too much information.
The national food guide scares me. Who can eat the suggested trillion helpings of fruits and vegetables per day? Who? Who?

In the spirit of helping: here’s our suggestion for a kick-assed, fat warring site, that may help you find the action --- leading to motivation ---- transporting you from coronary nearing, artery clogging, heart palpitating, death.

This site is a precursor, to the soon to be, one day riveting, third, perhaps fourth, maybe our fifth, released book: Put Down the Fork.
Stay tuned!

In the meantime visit the site below and take a look at what you’re eating, what you can eat and maybe find some simple solutions for reaching your goal(s). I’m using it. It’s working.

If you’d like me to share with you my stats, send me (the seed) an email @ and I will share with you my progress.

Have a great day and remember: “Action comes before motivation.” So get moving.

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Don’t become a prisoner in your own body!

Don’t be as big as the backdrop!

Unless of course: you want to.
note: The seed crew is incredibly busy. Bar exams, research work in bars, writing newspaper articles and penning literary gems. Not to forget, securing an agent and publisher for: Russians, Clowns & Drag Queens.
Thus, when we say, "Link o' the week...," we mean it figuratively, therefore, we'll try to give you a fresh new link weekly, just don't bust our chops if we miss a week or two. Okay?
O' yeah, if you happen to know an agent, publisher or you happen to be one of those yourself, or hmm... even a screenwriter, contact us at and we can discuss the possiblities. Over some nachos. :)
Also, if you know a brilliant link, or are a brilliant, or the missing link: fire them our way, and we'll share with the world, or the odd visitor to our site.
Bye for now!
. don't have to leave, you can stay, explore, there are some naughty bits hanging around if you just look carefully!

get your brain candy fix here! Okay... not precisely here, but scroll down the left and sign up! :)

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bye for now!

We've added some music for your blog experience... enjoy!

where is the love
the cure - just like heaven

redemption song