Wednesday, November 21, 2007

155: day two/three

155: day two/three

november 20/21

pep talk of the day

I’m convinced that our inner dialogue is vital to our happiness!

If we allow negative thoughts in, who doesn’t?.. we lose. The language we choose either, lifts us, or knocks us down to the point where functioning… can be difficult at best. I’ve beaten myself down so much at times that getting up ---- near impossible.


Until I started to adjust my thinking, life has a way of setting us up, and knocking us down, and, if we laugh at it’s absurdity… we’ve got a chance. If not?

I don’t want to answer that. Anyway, I’ve had my fair share of crap, and I don’t want it anymore. So, what am I going to do about it?

For the most part: force positive, pick myself up with mind control --- I have to, or I’ll go nuts!

For the last several weeks I’ve been unlocking the gates to positive and keeping destructive thought at bay. I know it may sound corny, but when I get down… I kick “down” out, and I spin my thoughts to something constructive. This weeks positive dialogue:

“I’m truly an amazing and beautiful man who will have a positive impact on the world, and I will live a life filled with love, happiness, health and prosperity.” Repeated as often as necessary.

It’s amazing how after ten minutes of allowing no other thought in, spirits soar.

progress report

How did I get fat?

Before I share: do you ever trick your mind into thinking that your hot when physical expansion is bulging to the forefront?

It’s as if our mind is about: two, three, and even four weeks behind our mirrors. We’re all somewhat deluded when it comes to fat. I’m not truly fat, if you are, and you’re pissed at my belly-lacking pains…. screw you!

Anymore time on the current program and I’d be joining a large, extremely large, and growing, portion of the population at the troughs of fat. Fortunately, I caught myself, I’m not fat… not fit either, but instead, somewhere in between, I’m now fet --- and I hate it. I turned sideway one day, and oh boy, “you protrude bitch.”

Next, a shower, “oh my… gone.” Another shower, “where are my toes?” Seriously. If I suck in I can carry on the illusion for a bit… I don’t want to suck, too much!

I understand how it all happens:

  1. First, we get older.
  2. Activities such as tennis, football, basketball… are replaced by life as the playground changes from frivolity, to: “fuck, nobody told me everything was going to change. Tony no more tennis, why?.. Cause you’re…
  3. Without activity and the constant pursuit of stuff, career-driven of course, we suddenly lose time for what matters, however, on the surface we make more coin which allows us to consume more, we simply don’t have the corresponding activity to burn of the consumption.
  4. Then we live in denial, we think we can turn around the bus and remove our asses by just retreating to what was. We can’t! So we get fatter… and North America reminds us daily of our new girth through television, diets, and the new posse of svelte up and comers. Sure we make more coin… but we’re being removed from the game. Once that happens… health wanes, we hate ourselves and take it out on those we love, and we fuck everything up and go looking for quick fixes and instant gratification.
  5. Next, next is not pretty, we begin to rely on one or two pair of pants… they still fit, sort of. One day not so much… so you feel down. They’re no longer comfy. You deny some more.
  6. Suddenly, sweats… and leisure clothes. You’re giving up. And then one day: you’re underwear flops over… and you’re belt is out of notches. You look in the mirror again… and, fuck! It’s over.

Not so fast! There’s hope! Stop eating… no, that’s not it. Realize that it doesn’t have to be this way. As for me, I got fet, because I was depressed, wasn’t rolling too well with life issues and so after chiseling a beautiful physique by September, I traded it all in for two-and-a-half months of fast-food. Disgusting… I know. My chest started to hurt --- change became necessary. I’ve got too much life ahead. Hey where did my toes go?

Oh yeah… the progress report. I remind you that I’m a tad nuts and taking this whole personal challenge to the extreme. I suggest you modify yours if you decide to join me. The progress… today, DAY 3, I tipped the scales at 174.6 lbs. A reduction of 4.4 lbs in 3 days!

Extreme I know… I just wanted to kick it all of with a bang!

My lifestyle is changing… and amazingly, the food I’m eating now is far tastier than the crap that got me here in the first place!

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fitness fact/tip

Not only have I decided to be a test case for all those who have weight-based, girth-exploding fitness lifestyle challenges --- I’ve, with the help of the Seed Collective decided to give some insight into how difficult changing course can be. We’ll be also offering up as part of the updates a little tidbit to help put into perspective what lies in store once you embark on a path of positive change.

These tasty little morsels will eventually be contained in our upcoming book: Put Down The Fork. And, instead of trying to become the “biggest loser,” that’s not the goal of this program, because we’re all winners after all --- especially when we figure out: lifestyle change is for “ourselves” and not anyone else. If you’re changing for someone else… good luck, you’re not likely doing it for the right reason and staying power will probably be absent from the equation.

That’s not to say a little push along the way isn’t a good thing. For me, in an intimate moment, hearing, “You’re hot… and so is your belly.” Was enough for me.

Today’s fact/tip:

Test subject: 40 years old.
Activity level: moderate.
Height: 5’ 11” (man); 5’ 8” (woman).
Current weight: 175 lbs (man); 130 lbs (woman).
Daily calories required to maintain weight: 2715 (man); 1992 (woman).
Fast food equivalent (# of Big Mac Meals): 2.4 meals (man); 1.8 (woman).
Big Mac, fries, coke: 1130 calories.

For me the equation is as follows: I’m a bit older than the test subject. I’m the same height and starting weight is 179lbs. To maintain that weight I can gorge myself on 2644.5 calories per day or the equivalent of 2.3 Big Mac Meals* a day.

It’s important to note that as we get older, in number only, our calorie intake to maintain diminishes and usually our level of activity is reduced. To make things tougher, factor in that usually we earn more and can afford to eat… which when you toss it all together it can become a lethal combination. Hence, the need to adjust lifestyles before the paramedics start to scream, “clear!”

Bonus morsels:

1 lb = 3500 calories. 1 gram fat = 9 calories. 1 gram protein = 4 calories. 1 gram booze = 7 calories.

For me to lose 24 lbs in 31 days I need to lose: 24 x 3500 = 84,000 calories more than I consume.

Or 2709.7 calories per day… a tall order considering to maintain my weight I can only eat 2644.5 calories per day.

So, therefore, the only hope in hell I have is to up my activity level or stop eating… and to tell you the truth: I’m hungry!

*In no way do we recommend a fast-food nutrition plan. If you choose that plan you may not gain weight as the thought of 2+ meals per day is somewhat disgusting and will lead to a lethargic state of being. However, as your body begins to become toxic you may experience a few changes: If you’re a man… zits and an affinity for women who are far too young for you, eventually delivering you to a truck load of moral and legal problems . If you’re a woman… I don’t know, I’m a man. My suggestion: stay away from guys who eat every meal at burger joints… unless you want to pay the bills of life in the future!

Final note:

I’m upping my activity level to intense and even with that some powerful software suggests my goal is far too aggressive… I say screw powerful software!

The software suggests the earliest I can achieve my goal is February 13th, 2008, by consuming 2003 calories per day and maintaining a high activity intensity level. Crap! They’re suggesting 55 more days than I’ve got planned… again, screw the software!

Anyway you slice it… Cupid, look out!

*Sob* I’m down to less than 2 Big Mac meals per day. Wait a minute, a pint of beer is roughly 150 calories, therefore, if I don’t eat: I can have 13 pints per day. Yummy beer!


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Day two‘s white linen table service:

  • Breakfast: Arthur’s Green Energy Smoothie 230 calories
  • Lunch: 2 poached eggs on flax bread. 318
  • Juice Blueberry & Green Tea (glass). 110
  • Dinner: 4 pints. 600
  • Chicken Breast (200 g) 350
  • Peas 180
  • Tasty Beverage 110
  • G total for the day. 1898

Day three’s scrumptious dining:

  • Breakfast: Arthur’s Very Berry Smoothie 160 calories
  • Lunch: Toasted tuna sandy. 340
  • Iced tea. 150
  • Dinner: 3 pints. 450
  • Chicken Breast (200 g) 350
  • Peas Grade A. 150
  • Tasty green goodness smoothie. 150
  • 1 Roma Tomato 40
  • G total for the day. 1790

book update

The “piercing focus” I mentioned at the start of 155 has been eaten up by one request: the literary/media agency that represents one M. Atwood, have requested my memoir, scary… yes, but my dream is to pursue a life that contains a literary aspect, therefore, today I blasted off a package and will receive an answer sometime in the next three months.

Tomorrow: more queries!

love is in the air

I need to let love in. Not just sticky love, but love that has some tender and lasting qualities. In that general feeling, I’ll let you in on some love embers that are starting to flicker. Perhaps, they’ll correspond with my girth reduction!

Stay tuned!

financial forecast

Please send thoughts on my behalf out to the Universe. I don’t want to…


Rounding it out: this project is a work in progress, ever evolving as I get a grip on my shrinking… I’m glad you’re on board.

Explore the site… there is a lot to offer and I’m certain it’s original. Buy our first book… search the site to find out the title and what it is and all about, I’ll just tell you: 28 - 5 Star reviews!

And finally, come back often… sign up at the bottom left and have the updates sent to you directly!


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