Friday, January 28, 2005

It is Friday Night.

Reality Bites!
What a world we live in. It is Friday night now. When did it take on a different meaning? I have a ton of friends, whom each and every one of them are living their own lives. When we were in our teens or twenties or even our thirties the loneliness of being an individual seemed to take on a different meaning. Now it smacks us in the face full force. Do we conform? Is that the answer? I fight it, but maybe that is the way it is meant to be. On the other hand maybe that is what is wrong with society. Maybe that is why so many lost souls are looking for answers in the chemical world. We are not winning the war on drugs.
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Now the question is: Am I alone? Are any of us truly alone? Maybe we are all alone. Maybe that is the point of the journey. Maybe ultimately we all some day have to accept it. Fridays used to have a different meaning. They used to mean hanging with my peers, my friends, in search of love, in search of finding our true destinies. Somehow it has changed. Now, while all of my close friends retreat to their lives, to what makes them complete, some of us seek the answers of life from a different source. Our reality has become clear. We need to cloud it. Do I have another drink? After all, our youth clouds us to the point where we think we know the answers. Having another drink is never a question. It is the rite of passage. Now youth judges. Nothing could be more fleeting. You remember the days where you figured you knew all of the answers. The questions is: When did it become vague? We all need love. But at what expense?

Many lost souls in the current version of the world believe, that if they are not alone, they are ok. What an illusion. So many of these lost individuals live in a world of conditions and expectations. They are looking for validation. It just doesn’t exist. You can only validate your own existence. Romeo didn’t really need Juliet. The tragedy of life is played out in a never ending cycle. Aloneness becomes one. Yet one always finds a way to become alone.

It is the journey that matters. I also need to be validated. However, I choose to be the one doing the validation. Maybe that is the easy way out. Maybe life has clouded reality. I don’t truly know. All I really know is that it is Friday night. I am basically happy. Alone - but happy. I think I will go watch Medical Investigation…………….

Losing Our Blogging Virginity

Hello Bloggers!

Today marks the first day of our journey into the world of blogging. Basically, we have taken a giant leap and have decided to lose our blog virginity. We hope it is a wicked experience. We are sure it will be.

A little bit about Seed & Euro Seed, we are two great friends who have known each other now for over 12 years. Our dysfunctional upbringings instilled deep insecurities in us and gave us a common bond. We had decided several years ago that we wanted to share some of our insight with others and decided that writing a book or a screenplay was in order. Then a funny thing happened, we had a couple of beers, maybe the odd vodka or two and the next thing we new was, Euro Seed had left beautiful Vancouver to pursue law in Munich Germany and though we had purchased a book called “How to Write a Screenplay”, we hadn’t penned the first word.

Next - as you will be able to read about in the post The Creation of A Book, life had a way of not only happening, but kicking the doors down, bringing in an army of seriousness, which lead to a need to vent. That venting took the form of writing and somehow in the matter of a few months we had created what we had set out to do 7 years ago. Write a book.

But that is not the end of it. Life lead us to our passion. At least that is what we hope it has lead us to. Get out of my brain damn insecurities. Ok - without question it has lead us to our passion. Now the big question is how do we get the word out to enough people without annoying them too much, so they can enjoy, argue over, yell at, scream at, burn, experience bliss with and basically have a blast reading, while at the same time allowing us to continue to write and make a living from our writing? We hope the blogging experience will provide us with some of the answers. Anyway you cut it, we have a lot to say.

In fact, you know the excruciating feeling when you can’t get a song out of your head “Wake me up before you go go”, until you pass it on to someone else. Well, we have a lot, sometimes an endless amount of thoughts running around in our heads, on a vast array of topics and our only way to rid our crowded craniums is to share them with you. That way we will free up some space for new, fresh and exciting thoughts about everything and nothing at the same time.

Like the fearless leader of the world has said. “This is hard work. Everyday. We sometimes had to order in. We even work on weekends. Because it is hard work.” I apologize if I have slightly misquoted him. I think you get my drift. We are going to work hard at providing some fresh perspective, encouraging positive change and most importantly having a blast while we do it.

Please visit our website at where you will be able to find out more about what we are all about.


Seed & Euro Seed.

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bye for now!

We've added some music for your blog experience... enjoy!

where is the love
the cure - just like heaven

redemption song