Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Hello Jolly Bearded One!

Before I jump into my list of wants for Christmas, how the heck, are you, and Mrs. Claus?

Apparently, this whole climate thing, is kind of messing with your homeland, and putting some of your beautiful neighbours in peril, you know, the polar bears. It's amazing how many people are still fiercely debating what's transpiring, so, I guess as for wants go, could you find a way to sway the bickering, let those engaged in it, conclude; making changes for the betterment of the world, regardless of whether we've changed the weather, or not, is the right thing to do.

Thanks in advance...

As for me, I'm not quite ready to put in my request, I'm pretty-sure I've been a good boy man this year, in fact, I make a conscious effort to be one. It actually, comes easy, I'm not boasting, instead, I'm just happy with who I've become. Every now and then, I mess up, say something I don't really mean, or don't get back to someone quick enough; flaws... nah, life just seems to be cranking at a high rate of speed and periodically, we are caught in the revolutions. When I do, I try my best to make amends, without being too hard on myself.

Let's get back to me, actually, what I want is not about me at all, I don't really need much; the occasional hug, kiss, some love, and the odd intimate moment, that's about it. I have no need to go into details.

So, I guess what I'd like under my tree... Christmas cushion, I used to have an inflatable tree; however, my pet poked a hole in it, and that coupled with a huge dose of family dysfunction, I've never replaced it and have downsized to the cushion, it's not much, but the spirit of the season isn't lost in its fabric.

Okay, I'll stop rambling, and you won't need to come to my building, buzz my code, go to the elevator, knock on my door, eat a cookie or two, drink some milk, and place my request under...

...my request, of changing the direction of our world --- Santa, maybe you are isolated up at your melting pole, our world, well, it may have always been this way but it seems to be worsening. Instead of looking in the mirror, we seem to be full of hate, lack compassion, rage is replacing kindness, racist's announce their intent and then pretend that political correctness has made them the way they are, claiming if they could be hateful more out in the open, it would be a better way. How can we collectively be skewing the difference between right and wrong?

Globally, we've entered a very trying time, a time where a drastic paradigm shift might be in order. Our world leaders, the banks, warlords, and the messengers delivering the messages, may not have our best interests at heart; therefore, what I'd like from you, and I know this is a tall order; to help shift some views, even if it is one person at a time --- that way we can slowly make the world a kinder place. It's time that we evolve, it is imperative for our future.

As I go through my journey, hatred has been dropped from the equation --- it's not worth the effort. Greedy, I used to be, but not anymore, I don't need a lot of new; yet when it comes to style, I don't think I'm lacking. I fully expect insults for sharing these traits with others, that's okay, I'm not better than anyone; I'm just sharing.

Please help get out the word, we are all connected in some way; we don't have a choice in where we are born, the colour of our skin, religious proclivities, our sexual inclination, our height, physical beauty, birthright, or any other aspect of self, except for sculpting the essence from within our hearts, and that's it!

We don't have the right to judge others with the exception of what is done in our presence. Any other way, is for the most part, sickening, and sad, isn't it?

In the spirit of sharing more, for just over three months this year, an exchange student, from Korea, shared my home. We became great friends, and we've decided to stay in touch. My friend is now back in Seoul, studying in a world where direction is being subtracted from the youth of today at an alarming rate as the generations before; frankly, have fucked up the world. Mostly with greed, but sharing the stage, racism, hatred, intolerance and the constant bombardment by all of those who are filled with those diseases, trying to ram them down the throats of those encouraging a better way; in some archaic need to justify their hate. Again, it is time for us all to evolve and replace the hatred with love. Many won't... it's easier to stay stuck.

Well, back to my friend, and why I don't really need gifts, recently my friend sent me a message; he's sponsored an immigrant family in his home city of Seoul (from China), and several times a week he gets together with them and helps them gain a sense of belonging, he helps them to fit in, to feel safe. He also helps the children with their studies. He does this out of the kindness in his heart. In his message he carried it a step further, "I now know why you were so kind to me when I was in Vancouver, it's hard trying to find a place in a new world, especially when so many hate you for no reason, like Vancouver, many in my country are intolerant as well, it's wrong... it's time for us to change ways. That is what I took from you."

How could I need anything more than that for Christmas?

Just so you know, I didn't do anything other than be me.

So Santa... please continue to spread love, joy, hope, kindness and harmony this holiday season, help us put everything else to the side, one person at a time if necessary.

Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings/Happy Holidays

The words in the greeting aren't important; what matters is the sincerity of the delivery.

P.S. Can you please get the media to stop spreading the fear of the capitalistic worlds unchecked economic meltdown, fuelled by unchecked greed, and further fuelled by evil, questionably, rising to the top.

I think what we are being sold right now is why it is vitally important for the rest of us to stop fighting amongst each other and for us all to work together to find a better way; 'cause, what we were sold, obviously hasn't worked.

Oh yeah, my father came back to life a few years ago, and he turned out not to be my father; could you tell me who my real father is --- a long story, maybe for some other time.

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