Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sunday, January 06, 2008
talking with deutchland
by: seed & euro seed
Cutting edge: most advanced stage: the most advanced and modern stage of something.
That’s what we try to be, not only cutting edge, but innovative and educational at the same time. Not only do we open the door and let you in on some of our inner most feelings --- we also offer much more, we try to give our loyal “reader” some relevant information about the world, hence the educational portion of our site. We’ve concluded: blogging is about much more than talking about what “I” did and who “I” did stuff with and which movie “I” saw, where “I” ate, who “I” like, basically “I” “I” “I” “I” is a tad self absorbed. Life is much bigger than “I”.

You know what they say: There is no “I” in mutual orgasm. That is what we are here to provide you with, many mutual delectable taught out of this world orgasms. Either that or just a little bit of fun that whisks you away from the mundane and deposits you firmly in the land of ah.
What that means: I’m not entirely sure, I’m just glad the computer screen is not friable or after digesting my dancing words, you may crumple, crumple, pulverize and chuck, swish, right into the waste basket. Nice shot! Too bad about your monitor.
“What the fuck are you trying to say?”
Nothing really, just practicing my typing skills… nah… that’s not it, what I’m trying to relay to you: we believe, wait for it, wait… that life is much bigger than “eye,” and after sipping beers and listening to countless people drone on about their lives, I’ve noticed a common trend, most, not all, can’t get past “eye,” not necessarily a bad thing, however, in my, maybe our (haven’t corresponded with euro seed on that statement yet) opinion: unless “eye” has something much bigger than self attached to it, something that makes the world just a wee bit better, sweeter, more bearable, funnier, sexier, hotter, maybe not hotter as we’re trying to cool the planet now, so I’ve been told, basically, something that teaches us something, “eye” can be pretty fucking boring.
“I got this on sale today.” “I ate a sandwich today.” “I’m thirsty.” “I’m going for a walk.” “I’m stepping outside for a smoke.” “I’m…” You’re one dull…
“Be nice seed.”
Okay, you’re riveting, an amazing conversationalist, do you think that while you’re on your walk smoking your cigarette, that you could, um, maybe, um, develop a personality and try not to be so fucking boring? Well could you?
Anyway, we cut the edge at a slightly different angle, sure we share a heaping dose of “eye” as well, but it is “eye” with a purpose. We let you into our lives and our thoughts and we hope that you can take something positive away from the experience. We believe a story that is no more than the characters in the story is not enough, for us it must have be bigger than “eye,” it has to have a message, some comedy, insight, something, just something that makes it redeemable and helps to fill in any voids in thought.What’s that, you’re pissed that they are thinking of giving the homeless rooms that are just over 200 sq ft. You think they don’t deserve that much space? Nobody ever gave you anything like that for free. And now your is mission trying to find things that others receive that you never got for yourself and bringing it to everyone’s attention when your not talking about “you,” I’m supposed to be nice, so…-the above depicts numerous conversations with a professional who believes he's hard done by.
Seed’s and euro seed’s brain candy is an ongoing experiment in life. Many facets of which are constantly being sculpted until we’ve delivered something pliable, tasty, and entertaining. We’re glad that you’re here. We hope you enjoy. Most important, we hope you take something away with you.
As for: talking with Deutschland: we’ll share correspondence between two dear friends, sometimes funny, at others purposeful, perhaps absurd --- always served up with love and respect.
Not only will we be letting you in ever so slightly to our personal domain, but with each installment we’ll offer you a little history on Germany. If you’re not interested, skip over it if you must, but don’t you want to learn something more than just “eye!”
Or are you just here for the many mutual delectable taught out of this world orgasms?
by: seed & euro seed
germany definition/history

Germany (jûr`mənē), Ger. Deutschland, officially Federal Republic of Germany, republic (2005 est. pop. 82,431,000), 137,699 sq mi (356,733 sq km). Located in the center of Europe, it borders the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France on the west; Switzerland and Austria on the south; the Czech Republic and Poland on the east; Denmark on the north; and the Baltic Sea on the northeast. The official capital and largest city is Berlin Berlin (bûr'lĭn`, Ger. bĕrlēn`), city (1994 pop., but many administrative functions are still carried on in Bonn (bŏn, Ger. bôn), city (1994 pop., the former capital of West Germany.
That ends today’s installment on Deutschland and brings us to the meat of this installment:
Here’s and interesting article to read (see below)… it’s again, amazing, because we’ve spoken of a lot of this stuff without an ounce of scientific proclivity.
I hope he’s wrong.
Either way, we’ve touched on the importance of “retreating” back to more solid individually-based values, as opposed to, mass-produced, media-fuelled distractions or religious fundamentalism. Who the fuck just wrote the last few lines?
Anyway, long before reading this we spoke of the absurdity of changing light bulbs to save the world. Are we collectively that stupid and naïve?
The point: how can Lindsay and Greg see, without researching first, just simply by listening, watching, and trying to still find peace of mind ---- while being unable to blink at the same time, deduce massive global migration is imminent. Be wrong. Be wrong. Be wrong. That goes for us as well. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are.
Mankind’s roster in the developed world is filled with a bunch of morally-debunked followers. They believe what they’re told. Then they puke up words from the press only perpetuating the insanity. “Did you hear about the woman hit by the snow plow?” Shut up!
And to top it off, the religious fanatics actually believe the rapture (Google: rapture clock) is coming, it may be ---- not in a biblical sense, therefore, they believe that they’re going to be gently lifted by God to Heaven above and all of the sinners will be left to perish in painful, earth-belching, God-created ways. So, fuck doing anything… it’s part of God's Grand Plan. No soup for you Ghandi. They’re the selected few. It just happens 1/3 of Americans are likely to believe this, and frightfully, a large portion of the government. God will fix everything… you just wait and see!
I best stop challenging him/her… he’s got a plan! We just need to suffer some more to get it.
We need to laugh. We need to rally the gang, we have a gang?.. and share happy thoughts about the lingering damages created by farting butterflies. Bet you won’t find that on YouTube?
More importantly, we need to figure out why people use tissues after orgasm (including masturbatory orgasms) instead of a towel? Do tissues heat the globe less? Well, do they?
Seriously, I need to know, maybe I’ll take it up masturbation again… but you don’t need to know that, of course.
In the news:
A tiger killing someone at the San Francisco Zoo.
“Experts think the cat got out on it’s own.”
Six people murdered in a home just outside of Seattle.
That helps humanity… a lot. It’s vitally important for making the world a better and happier place… we all need the relentless bombardment of others suffering… fuck, it’s about time we looked in a different direction than what we’re being fed. Isn’t it?
I’m going to look 90 degrees to the left. I’m done this rant for now… except I’m going to spoil the article by giving you the last few lines.
"Some people will sit in their seats and do nothing, frozen in panic. Others will move. They'll see what's about to happen, and they'll take action, and they'll survive. They're the carriers of the civilization ahead."
At the risk of sounding even more perilously close to the Nuthouse, since I don’t think the 4-billion impoverished of this world are gonna be going green anytime soon, are we part of the quote? The vital part? Or are we just as delusional as the rest?

Hell, I believe it is absolutely imperative for the world to understand the importance of caring for one another, hugging each other, and that we change our fucking greedy ways. It’s not working. If that message fills the universe… at least when whatever comes our way, comes our way, we’ll be treating each other right, instead of trying to kill each other for oil, for water, or for gummy bears!
I think this was a positive rant… was it?
Love you brother in spirit
P.S. Can you go get me a tissue?
some quick snips from the article
…His step is jaunty, his mind lively, his manner anything but gloomy. In fact, the coming of the Four Horsemen -- war, famine, pestilence and death -- seems to perk him up. "It will be a dark time," Lovelock admits. "But for those who survive, I suspect it will be rather exciting."
In Lovelock's view, the scale of the catastrophe that awaits us will soon become obvious. By 2020, droughts and other extreme weather will be commonplace. By 2040, the Sahara will be moving into Europe, and Berlin will be as hot as Baghdad. Atlanta will end up a kudzu jungle. Phoenix will become uninhabitable, as will parts of Beijing (desert), Miami (rising seas) and London (floods). Food shortages will drive millions of people north, raising political tensions. "The Chinese have nowhere to go but up into Siberia," Lovelock says. "How will the Russians feel about that? I fear that war between Russia and China is probably inevitable." With hardship and mass migrations will come epidemics, which are likely to kill millions. By 2100, Lovelock believes, the Earth's population will be culled from today's 6.6 billion to as few as 500 million, with most of the survivors living in the far latitudes -- Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia, the Arctic Basin…
…"Our future," Lovelock writes, "is like that of the passengers on a small pleasure boat sailing quietly above the Niagara Falls, not knowing that the engines are about to fail." And switching to energy-efficient light bulbs won't save us. To Lovelock, cutting greenhouse-gas pollution won't make much difference at this point, and much of what passes for sustainable development is little more than a scam to profit off disaster. "Green," he tells me, only half-joking, "is the color of mold and corruption."..
…Lovelock knows that predicting the end of civilization is not an exact science. "I could be wrong about all this," he admits as we stroll around the park in Norway. "The trouble is, all those well-intentioned scientists who are arguing that we're not in any imminent danger are basing their arguments on computer models. I'm basing mine on what’s actually happening."…
…According to the accepted wisdom, life evolved here because the conditions were right -- not too hot, not too cold, plenty of water. Somehow bacteria grew into multicelled organisms, fish crawled out of the sea, and before long, Britney Spears arrived…
It’s a fascinating article from a brilliant mind. Is he right? It’s impossible to tell, I wouldn’t bet the over/under on this one. I hope he’s not… if you take the time to read the whole article and do some additional research, you may find the one thing that scares you the most, it did “eye,” his casual manner of presentation. He doesn’t seem to be an “I told you so” sort of guy. He tackles this from perspective. That’s what scares me the most.
In light of that, I can’t highlight this any louder, sure, do whatever you can to ease your conscious on the pending perils of the globe. Shop green. Just make sure the “green” you’re buying isn’t stuffing the corporate pockets of those who are less than noble. In my opinion: Ego is our downfall, and when Ego is coupled with greed, the fall is unbearably steep.
Let me extrapolate just a wee bit: Do you have a girlfriend, wife, partner, best friend? You don’t? I’m so sorry for you… I’ll be your friend. You have a miniature pony? Lucky you! I’m jealous!
After inflicting your will upon each of the people you “want” in your life, your loved ones, translation: seeing them for what they may become, instead of who they are… and then having to adjust your future projections to reflect on self and your shortcomings. Simply stated: love me for who I am, because I’ll never be who you need me to be. I’m me, not your Ken doll… work on yourself if you want to accept me. I’ll do the same if you’re the one for me.
Good, you get it… love will have a chance if you do. Anyway, will withdrawn, after financial quandaries and unsightly hairs growing where they’ve never grown before, “ewe eyeball hairs,” the things that have a propensity to dismantle relationships: trying to decide where to eat, or what movie to go to, or where’d you like me to shoot my… my… goo! Nice, I’m feeling sleepy now.
Where am I going with this you ask?
Well, you see, once you subtract Politicians, Corporate Heads, The Illuminati, The Freemasons, Religious Fanatics, Steroid injecting role models (chuckle) and any other pompous individual who believes that they are entitled, and you break it down to you and me: How can we possibly change the course of the nearly 7-billion inhabitants on this planet when we can’t trust our messengers? I’ve got a hunch their motivation isn’t inline with ours. I’m not a believer in the apocalypse or a doomsayer, so to speak, however, we’ve got some bumps on the highway ahead of us, don’t you think?
If you don’t… you maybe one of the lucky ones. Sleep may come easy for you. If envy wasn’t a sin… I’d envy you. By the way what are you wearing?.. hot, loosen your jumper just a bit, nice, may I touch… your skin is so soft and silky. Is it getting hotter in here? I feel something rising…oh my… I love the feel of your… SMACK.
Composure regained, where was “eye?”
Oh yeah, 7-billion loved ones all in the same boat teetering above Niagara Falls, must be a big boat, 4-billion of them living on just dollars per day and not reading the same news as us, they’re, like us, just trying to survive, do you really think we can get everyone to agree on the same place for lunch or to go to the same movie? Think back to your loved ones, scary isn’t it?

For me it just means to scale down the scope of the effort. Sure, do research, as said, go green for your conscious, for most of us it may be the first time we’ve thought of something other than ourselves, which is a nice starting point and a sign the world is becoming a softer place. And that bodes well for our future. The grand scope of things starts at one place, turning “eye” into something much more substantive, something helpful to the bigger picture --- where does one start without becoming overwhelmed?
That’s simple: and a point that I’ll stress over and over and over again at the risk of sermonizing, and I’m not religious, at least not that I’m aware of, anyway, here goes:
- Treat family and friends like gold. Nurture and support.
- Likewise for friends.
- Treat all others with kindness.
- Dump race and color from your perspective. Minorities don’t exist. Don’t we get that yet?
- Treat our world with respect, including all living creatures.
- Smile, hug and love.
- Have sex, as much as you need, never manipulative, just remember: we’ve got 7-billion people to feed already, so if you’re going to do it for procreation, just make sure you give it a whack of thought. If not, where’d you like me to goo?
I know we bang on these simple points a lot… I think it is vitally important and if we don’t start with self, have a chance, will be stripped from our realities. Just think: If you’re living a full life and treating others well… does it really matter what may be coming our way?
Whatever may be coming our way, civilization will move on, with or without us, let’s just make sure that while Mother Earth is doing her thing, we don’t forget to embrace each day!
To read the whole James Loveslock article click on the following link:
Be Happy!
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