Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Hello Jolly Bearded One!

Before I jump into my list of wants for Christmas, how the heck, are you, and Mrs. Claus?

Apparently, this whole climate thing, is kind of messing with your homeland, and putting some of your beautiful neighbours in peril, you know, the polar bears. It's amazing how many people are still fiercely debating what's transpiring, so, I guess as for wants go, could you find a way to sway the bickering, let those engaged in it, conclude; making changes for the betterment of the world, regardless of whether we've changed the weather, or not, is the right thing to do.

Thanks in advance...

As for me, I'm not quite ready to put in my request, I'm pretty-sure I've been a good boy man this year, in fact, I make a conscious effort to be one. It actually, comes easy, I'm not boasting, instead, I'm just happy with who I've become. Every now and then, I mess up, say something I don't really mean, or don't get back to someone quick enough; flaws... nah, life just seems to be cranking at a high rate of speed and periodically, we are caught in the revolutions. When I do, I try my best to make amends, without being too hard on myself.

Let's get back to me, actually, what I want is not about me at all, I don't really need much; the occasional hug, kiss, some love, and the odd intimate moment, that's about it. I have no need to go into details.

So, I guess what I'd like under my tree... Christmas cushion, I used to have an inflatable tree; however, my pet poked a hole in it, and that coupled with a huge dose of family dysfunction, I've never replaced it and have downsized to the cushion, it's not much, but the spirit of the season isn't lost in its fabric.

Okay, I'll stop rambling, and you won't need to come to my building, buzz my code, go to the elevator, knock on my door, eat a cookie or two, drink some milk, and place my request under...

...my request, of changing the direction of our world --- Santa, maybe you are isolated up at your melting pole, our world, well, it may have always been this way but it seems to be worsening. Instead of looking in the mirror, we seem to be full of hate, lack compassion, rage is replacing kindness, racist's announce their intent and then pretend that political correctness has made them the way they are, claiming if they could be hateful more out in the open, it would be a better way. How can we collectively be skewing the difference between right and wrong?

Globally, we've entered a very trying time, a time where a drastic paradigm shift might be in order. Our world leaders, the banks, warlords, and the messengers delivering the messages, may not have our best interests at heart; therefore, what I'd like from you, and I know this is a tall order; to help shift some views, even if it is one person at a time --- that way we can slowly make the world a kinder place. It's time that we evolve, it is imperative for our future.

As I go through my journey, hatred has been dropped from the equation --- it's not worth the effort. Greedy, I used to be, but not anymore, I don't need a lot of new; yet when it comes to style, I don't think I'm lacking. I fully expect insults for sharing these traits with others, that's okay, I'm not better than anyone; I'm just sharing.

Please help get out the word, we are all connected in some way; we don't have a choice in where we are born, the colour of our skin, religious proclivities, our sexual inclination, our height, physical beauty, birthright, or any other aspect of self, except for sculpting the essence from within our hearts, and that's it!

We don't have the right to judge others with the exception of what is done in our presence. Any other way, is for the most part, sickening, and sad, isn't it?

In the spirit of sharing more, for just over three months this year, an exchange student, from Korea, shared my home. We became great friends, and we've decided to stay in touch. My friend is now back in Seoul, studying in a world where direction is being subtracted from the youth of today at an alarming rate as the generations before; frankly, have fucked up the world. Mostly with greed, but sharing the stage, racism, hatred, intolerance and the constant bombardment by all of those who are filled with those diseases, trying to ram them down the throats of those encouraging a better way; in some archaic need to justify their hate. Again, it is time for us all to evolve and replace the hatred with love. Many won't... it's easier to stay stuck.

Well, back to my friend, and why I don't really need gifts, recently my friend sent me a message; he's sponsored an immigrant family in his home city of Seoul (from China), and several times a week he gets together with them and helps them gain a sense of belonging, he helps them to fit in, to feel safe. He also helps the children with their studies. He does this out of the kindness in his heart. In his message he carried it a step further, "I now know why you were so kind to me when I was in Vancouver, it's hard trying to find a place in a new world, especially when so many hate you for no reason, like Vancouver, many in my country are intolerant as well, it's wrong... it's time for us to change ways. That is what I took from you."

How could I need anything more than that for Christmas?

Just so you know, I didn't do anything other than be me.

So Santa... please continue to spread love, joy, hope, kindness and harmony this holiday season, help us put everything else to the side, one person at a time if necessary.

Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings/Happy Holidays

The words in the greeting aren't important; what matters is the sincerity of the delivery.

P.S. Can you please get the media to stop spreading the fear of the capitalistic worlds unchecked economic meltdown, fuelled by unchecked greed, and further fuelled by evil, questionably, rising to the top.

I think what we are being sold right now is why it is vitally important for the rest of us to stop fighting amongst each other and for us all to work together to find a better way; 'cause, what we were sold, obviously hasn't worked.

Oh yeah, my father came back to life a few years ago, and he turned out not to be my father; could you tell me who my real father is --- a long story, maybe for some other time.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

economic salvation

economic salvation

Stop listening/watching/reading!

Could doing so stave off the constant bombardment of the economic meltdown?

You'd think the pace of living, our fascination with celebrities, athletes, Facebook, being connected at all times, and as seen recently, an ad for a digital service, "Fast forward live television; that way you can watch more TV faster." We need more television faster.

Suddenly, a light went on; a possible solution to surviving our economic meltdown; I was hoping the global populations collective ADD would suffice, and we'd have moved on to the next crisis; unfortunately, we all seem to be paying attention, a crippling amount of attention, as jobs are lost, savings vanish and giant corporations are being bailed out(?) --- With a quick glance, it seems, the corporate heads may be stuffing their own pockets with the drippings from the olive branches. While, us who are affected most, fight amongst one another about the information we are being force-fed, as we try to make sense of our futures.

Then, a second light came on; maybe we're supposed to be distracted, be in the dark. We all seem to be waiting to be saved; for some "expert" to shine a light out of the tunnel and lead us to... what's that, the bulb just burnt out?

I think we may need some new experts, after all the "old" ones seem to have gotten the "whole globe" into some quicksand and depending where you look/listen --- there may be no way out. Hell, walking down Wall/Bay Streets may soon require wearing a hardhat, as "experts" hurl themselves onto the broke crowds down below.

After I changed the bulb, I came up with a radical solution to curb, or maybe at least slow the melting; as said above, stop listening, stop watching; stop being sold. Simplify things, could there be a better time; the holidays are for family and friends, a brilliant starting point. Love replaces consumption, even if it is dysfunctional and only for a fleeting moment.

The suggestion: extend the fleeting moments!

Wouldn't it be dazzling if for one week in January, for all of us to stock up on food, take off work, fire up the DVD collection, pull out of the rat race, and not listen to the sales pitch, no radio, no television, no newspapers, no trips to the mall, and then make a pact/resolution, to place friends/family, ahead of stuff, in 2009.

Just imagine, if everyone stopped listening to what we are now being sold (economy in crisis), wouldn't the messenger need to find something different to talk about?

Don't mistake this suggestion for denial; I just think it may be time to change directions, collectively.

Dare to dream!

Lindsay is a Vancouver based author. For information visit www.seedenterprises.com

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

and the lights...

Time to put up the tree!

We live in interesting times

We live in interesting times

For the first time in history (according to CNN), the US Military is going to be actively deployed on US soil (4,700 troops initially, increased to 15,000 over time). The catalyst for such an action is the Terrorist attacks, which took place in Mumbai. The mask being hidden behind and sold to the populace: PROTECTION, we need to take such action to protect the American public from unscrupulous terrorists, biological warfare, and to aid during the aftermath of natural disasters. The report went on to include; in no way will the troops be used for civil disobedience or to police American citizens, the report was quick, and kind of a gentle afterthought in their programming schedule.

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For those who shout out at others, often calling them the "Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Theorists" --- maybe the ones they attempt to discredit, aren't so crazy after all.

Something stinks here, something about Mumbai, the economy, the timing of... everything. News reports of potential strikes against the New York Subway system in the next month... and BOOM, a terrorist strike in India; fear stoked and we all continue not so merrily on.

Backtrack to the economy; one day, fine, within a matter of what seemed to be only minutes, total collapse, with the population of the First World facing a total financial meltdown, losing... again, virtually, everything. Thank God, we live in a near virtual world; thanks to Facebook, Craigslist, MSN, and the lists go on and on...

Unlike our money supply, this is not make believe, this plan is taking shape as you read this, and we're supposed to believe that it has been formulated in the past week. Again, do you actually believe what is being sold?

Moments later Hilary Clinton speaks, she talks about the challenges ahead for all of us "Globally" and she stresses the necessity of "Global" support for the world to move forward, both peacefully and to stave off further economic catastrophe. After all, hasn't the "Globally" encouraged un-tethered Capitalist model, if we are to believe the messenger, just imploded, leaving the dwindling (near-extinct) middle class grasping for something to hold onto?

That brings us to Craigslist Rants & Raves, and those dubbed the "Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Theorists." First up, CL; actually, the "TFHCT's, perhaps the delivery of their message, for the most part lacks refinement, and taking it a step further, continually calling people "Sheeple" or "Sheep," and shouting out over and over, we're screwed, and the such, is counterproductive... and serves little or no purpose, except to stoke more fear and anxiety. But, at least they are passionate about the message they are trying to convey, and if you take the time to view and critically think about some of the material they continually attempt to pound down our throats, you may form some opinions and draw some conclusions of your own on what the future (very near future) may have in store, and realize there may be some merit to portions of what is being shared.

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Take money for instance, for examples sake, in the beginning, $1 real dollar was created and there were only a handful of workers chasing that dollar, each caught a portion; the meek maybe comprising one of the handful --- he/she tumbled to the bottom of society, only to be shunned, perhaps becoming addled with addiction as hope is stripped away.

As time went on, the handful of people we're given a taste of consumption, and they liked it, but to consume they needed more $s, thus, enter the banks; with loans and credit cards, corporations wanted in the game so they created ways for the people to buy on credit --- for a price (interest was created). So borrow and consume, borrow and consume, shower, rinse and repeat at absurdum; as long as you worked hard, the euphoria of consumption was the drug of choice... so we continued to work, work, work, and work...

Some climbed, while the ones falling began to increase slowly at first, more dramatically as time goes on. The fuel heating the fall, interest, interest, parking tickets, fines, processing fees, taxes, interest, more interest and more interest on top of the interest if you happen to be late with your interest payments, all of it, "make believe" money needing to be repaid to those at the top by the masses trying to climb. The problem, for examples sake again, is there still is only $1 real dollar in circulation and now it has to repay trillions and trillions of "make believe dollars" to those at the top of the food chain.

So, what happens, by default, middle becomes lower, if it can sustain that at all, hordes of hard-working individuals fall to the bottom rungs of society, drug usage becomes rampant in the depths of despair, all the while the rich hide up in the hills and behind gated communities because those who were fortunate enough to be far north on the social ladders of life, can't help but get richer, mostly only by default as well.

Then as our model is forced upon the rest of the world, by corporate juggernauts and the puppet regimes who act as our Overlords --- Coca Cola, McDonald's, to an extent; massive military based companies, information services, and the such, more prevalently; however, the easily identifiable brands representing our way of life (I'm sipping on a coke right now) strategically position themselves globally, and quickly strip away cultural identity in a homogenized world.

A good thing, a bad thing... the jury is out.

From surfing through dysfunction it is hard not to draw a conclusion that what is transpiring before our eyes is not orchestrated, not to give credit to the TFHCTs, yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to discount merit in some of their points, even if they don't take the time to write them themselves; instead risking becoming nothing more than deplorable fear-mongers.

As we move forward and our homogenized friends buy in, on credit, like we did, more interest is created, while at the same time "real" virtually remains at $1; however, it's no longer a handful who are chasing a piece of the pie, it's millions, literally stacked upon millions as our cities shoot skyward. And as the climb gets harder and harder, more and more collapse from the unbearable weight of "make believe."

So what do we do, we bail out those at the top, and at the same time tell those spiralling downward, "tighten your belts, because things are going to get tough for quite some time."

That begs the question: how do we get to the top?

I wish there was an easy answer; I don't think there is, the door is being slammed shut and most are being left out... this is happening in the blink of an eye; we just seem to be to distracted by celebrity, athletes, racism and hatred which is meant to divide us, more celebrity, athletes, unrelenting peril and trauma. Bus crashes, van collisions, if we can't find it at home, in our neighbourhoods, we suss out stories from around the world, and we drink it in and then regurgitate it to everyone we meet without giving it a second thought.

We're sick and we're constantly being fed the vaccine, which is only controlling our minds and making us all pliable, broken and accepting of what ever may in store for us.

That is where the good side of TFHCTs comes in, they/he/she is encouraging in a somewhat odd way, opening your/our eyes; and at least considering the possibility of some unpleasant scenarios. With eyes open there may actually be a slim possibility of altering the course of things to come, because if they are right, what is coming, if unchallenged, will manipulate us into NEW, by dividing us, when we are truly one, and pitting us against each other while those at the top, continue to reap the rewards.

That's where Craigslist comes in; freedom of speech is a brilliant thing, to a point. If it is to encourage discussion, and the search for solutions for a better way, it's brilliant! Unfortunately, on CL, for the most part, it comes across as juvenile, and it illustrates why we're in the situation we are today. I know, I know, it's only CL Rants & Raves, I do know that; however, not everyone on here fits the juvenile description (they just seem to dominate the posts) --- ranting endlessly about race, sexuality, and being relentless in the hatred for others, well, if your sentiments are that deeply ingrained, the world you live in must be a sad one and in no way are you a part of the future.

So where does that bring us, I don't know, I do think it is time for us all to realize what is currently transpiring in our amazing world has very little to do with race, argue if you must, and without question, the unbreakable racists will. Racism, and hatred, is easy, if the TFHCTs are right in any way, those who are saddled with hate, are simply pawns and I think the real "Sheep" who are being drawn out of their comfort zones, the problem, unbreakable, is a dying breed, and unfortunately, they have a tendency to whine the loudest.

Anyway, what's transpiring, if you look is about class, it's about rich and poor. Rich wants to hold on tightly and they need the poor to continue to fight amongst themselves, be distracted by accidents, gang activity, terrorists, athletes, and Amy Winehouse.

Thankfully, one upside of technology, again except for the deep-blooded haters, Globalization is removing many of the once easy to pick enemies as people from all over the globe are eating McDonald's, drinking at Starbucks, and shopping at the Gap, and unless you are stunned, that translates into most are no different than you or me.

So, the point of this RAVE, I think it is vitally important at this stage of our evolution to be aware, and without question, resist, peacefully of course, some of the things we're about to be sold told. It's as simple as looking and asking a few questions:

  1. Why would the leader of the most powerful(?) nation in the world knowingly bankrupt his own country?
  2. Why are companies who've duped the populace and mislead them down a horrible path, being bailed out?
  3. Who are the ghosts and goblins we are chasing; they don't have a homeland, and virtually are invisible, except to the lazy (racists) who can't see past colour and see the true essence of the human spirit?
  4. Who benefits the most from ongoing conflict? Which happens to be harder to convince the educated of, as like said above; with the exception of a few pockets of the globe, a populace that is all consuming McDonald's, Starbucks... get it, we are all the same, and we're just trying to get by and to feed our families; the enemy is not colour, again, it's class.
  5. Why deploy troops on North American soil; for things we can't see, biological warfare, natural disasters, and terrorists (hiding in caves) that we cannot see or find?

That brings us back to Mumbai, something just doesn't seem right. Terrorists, as we are led to believe, have zero regard for human life, including their own. Makes one wonder, just a bit, doesn't it?

Terrorist, show up on boats, go on a killing rampage; none of them on suicide missions; but if something isn't missing, were they not expecting to escape?

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Enlighten me if I'm missing something.

This crew of evil, though well orchestrated... well, something is off... NYC terror threats, and instantly, activity elsewhere in the world --- NYC terror threats; the deployment of troops on US soil, for the safety of Americans; just to beg the question, could the "Terrorists" possibly have been funded and just doing their jobs?

Winding this all down, crazy or not, I believe it is time for all of us to once again say "Hello" to and get to know our neighbours, regardless of who they may be, if they don't return the gesture, don't sweat it, and then rise above some ridiculous need to paint them with a narrow-minded brush.

I think it is time we eliminated some of the division we are manipulated into participating in, and let the powers-that-be know, we don't have much more to give and our tolerance for the deception is waning.

Just think, actually imagine, when the North American Dream began, there were only a "handful" (slight exaggeration) of people settling the new frontier, these first comers staked claim to the land, and feverish consumption was set in motion as we bought into the propaganda. "Get rich off real estate." As we proceeded many did, but still mostly those who were first. As "make believe" multiplied at alarming rates and "real" remained for the most part, constant, many fell, lost everything, homes were boarded up, and vultures lined up to get rich of those who could not catch up to "real" any longer; all while those at the very top watched and manipulated more.

Where we are now, the vultures are falling too (Google Stockton California 75% of the homes have been foreclosed on), without the vultures to buy the new stock of despair, these homes remain boarded up; what does that tell you?

And how many people need to lose everything before they need to be controlled, as actions turn desperate?

What would you do if you couldn't feed your family; or lost your home to greed, not culture?

As the vultures disappear, the homes revert back to the bankers, who with a little research you'll find they lead back to the first to stake claim to the land of the new world. Just imagine, if you are lucky enough to share the bloodlines with those who came first, you're probably living up on a hill looking down on the minions below (few exceptions exist); however, if you are baby 6,800,000,000 and you happen to be a crack baby; good luck staking your plot, as in today's world living in the "air" costs...

How can a civilization be civilized, pretend to care about the less fortunate, and try to stomp out homelessness, if residential "real" estate, is for profit?

Therefore, as much as the message of the "TFHCTs" may be lost in the term "Sheeple" and the delivery --- we may not be able to change what's in store, screw that, awareness and correctly identifying the "real" threat gives us power over the messenger.

Last thought, crazy or not, a simple way to stem the global economic meltdown; is if everyone in the developed world defaulted on all interest bearing loans, credit cards, etc, etc --- at the same time. If we were able to send such a powerful message, "make believe" would evaporate and collectively we could start capitalism over again, this time with eyes wide-open.

And more importantly, by valuing people more than stuff!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

amping up creativity

amping up creativity

A wise man once said, "A creative mind which allows itself, to wane in misery, will only survive if it accepts its essence and proceeds."

What that means, I'm not entirely sure, who the wise man was, don't know that either; all I do no for certain; I've waned somewhat, which like, entirely sure, waning, isn't, entirely true.

Regardless of the perceived waning, which by the way is a bit of a fallacy, I've actually pitched numerous article ideas to my editor; as always, on my perceptions of a world I see in some state of dysfunction, to which I am usually greeted with, "Great articles, I agree with most of what you see; can't publish them though. You're dangerous."


  1. Stop looking.

Rats, not capable of doing so; therefore, who the frig cares if I'm published in the manipulative mainstream; I've decided to share my future articles with the one or two people who stumble across this site.

Thus, reader(s), prepare for a plethora of activity...


modern day robin hoods’

modern day robin hoods'
by: lindsay wincherauk

"Boom" goes the economy... jobs are lost, stores close, and construction halts, leaving partially built buildings dotting the skyline as the fat starts coming off our over-binged cities (Olympic developments excluded).

What created this mess, and more importantly: who/how are we going to dig our way out?

What created? ...we bought everything we've been sold; and we did it on credit, and now, those at the top want their money while we still have some left.

Fortunately, for us, someone is watching out for those struggling to climb life's economic ladder.

Enter Translink, a hard working man (labourer), who happens to be building the shiny glass towers, is forced to take transit. He can barely feed his family, and without question, he can never afford to live in the buildings he constructs, a travesty. Not to worry, Robin will come to the rescue.

"Can I see your ticket sir; you only bought a one-zone and you're travelling two..." CA-CHING --- "that'll be $173," payable to the executive who's making two-hundred-fifty-thousand per year; thanks Robin.

Hell, maybe that wasn't the real Robin; maybe he/she is hanging out at the banks or the credit card companies --- they've always been good to the commoners, haven't they? If I leave my money alone, the banks will give me interest, and the cc's will allow me to keep buying the "stuff" that brings me to a state of euphoria.

Wait a second, my new flat-screen television gave me a hit of pleasure and a whole whack of distraction, but now they want their money back, and if I don't give it to them promptly my $1000-TV ends up being three times that amount, fortunately again, I'm making interest on my savings (insert laughter). I better go to the ATM and make a withdrawal... I have some bills to pay, "...sorry sir/madam, your balance is less than a $1000 so we have to charge you a fee with each withdrawal, on the upside; you did make a nickels interest last month.

Great, a nickel, that'll feed the family! Can we ask one question: who gets the money from my service charges, and the interest from my now worthless used-TV?

Damn, another false Robin; and besides, where are the new "real" dollars we need to support the "make believe" (interest/fines) ones?

"Shhh... they don't really exist; and besides, we put them in the accounts of those who never need to use their ATMs."

In the meantime, the rest of us are all chasing the one "real" dollar in existence; the problem: for every "make believe" one created, "real" becomes harder for those at the bottom to catch.

And we pretend to care about the homeless.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

155 revisited

Fitness Challenge/155 revisited:
this time it's personal!

Welcome back!

That sentiment is directed at me... it's about time I returned, this time to an unusual extent! Won't you come along with me as I whip my already somewhat fit physique into the land of...?

Anyway, 155 has returned, this time, there are other participants who've joined in; we're individuals inspiring for the greater good... from September 14th, 2008 until the last day of the year we're embarking on a journey to the land of never ending happiness, a land where you can always see the sun...

"Stop it."

Anyway (squared), here's a link to my progress, you're welcome to have a look-see!

Don't let the picture disturb you… in fact the picture is telling a bit of a fib, that's more like 175.

What does 155 represent… you ask?

Well, other than being one fine sexy damn number; a one, followed closely by a couple of fives what's more sexy than that?

"247, c'mon, please!"

One: the beginning --- five: half way there --- another five: a pause to enjoy making it that far... shall I continue?


You're right… I'm not making sense.

Anyway, perhaps one of my favourite words, or is it perhaps, anyway, let's get back to the picture, that sure is one gigantic five, it would have to be, wouldn't it?

Why include this picture?


That's a reasonable assumption, but it is only partially correct; I guess the reason to include it takes on a whole array of reasons. To begin with, it's a way to destroy my political/public life before it even gets off the ground.

"You have a political/public life?"


To continue, if anyone is going to sabotage, me, it may as well be me, I'll let you in on a little secret, I shower, most of the time in the nude. Luckily, for the meeker members of society, when the picture of me showering was snapped, a giant embossed 155 just so happened to be hovering in front of me, and my, delectable package! How do I know it's delectable?

Studies have been done... sometimes quick, other times, long slow, pleasurable and...

...and the end result of the studies: that would be their findings: pleasure was had by all. On occasion out of deep rooted conservatism, feelings of guilt would ensue, draping me in a dirty feeling, a feeling which would lead to a need to find a connection, after the connection was broken, if you understand my gist. Once and a while a towel would be summonsed from the towel holding area --- sometimes the towel could wait!

You know what they I say:

If it ends with a towel---it's not love!

All towelled off after my... shower, just a second, not only were the meek blessed by the ginourmous 155 --- my hand also acts as a barrier of protection for those who are not so blessed, enabling them to keep their fragile egos in tact.

"You about done...?"

I am, the moral/point of my 155 rambling, firstly, I enjoy the odd ramble. Secondly, I like showering, in the nude. Thirdly, who cares if the odd picture with a touch of nudity surfaces, it's 2008 people, we need to lighten up, showering naked, pictures being taken, is no big deal... those who live in glass houses should not cast stones; or something like that... Finally, for now, I'm living my life; you're invited along for this portion of the journey. Hell you can participate if you so desire. This portion is about challenging oneself, to fire myself into frenzy; encourage my friends, and to be a test study illustrating anything is possible if you get a handle on where you've been; where you are; and an idea of where you want to go.

With that in mind, follow me, actually, follow yourself, you can use me as a guideline, my friends too, if you like. Along the way remember to take deep breaths, pause, and enjoy, where you want to go isn't as important as enjoying the brilliant moments along the way; even the naked ones; especially: the naked ones...!

You're not a prude are you?

If you are, life must suck for you.

Note: the original challenge was entitled: 155... It has been changed; it is now 160...

That's all for now, now get over here, towel me off, and enjoy your visit.

To track my progress visit:


A sampling of my first day in public office


Some disturbing pictures of you have surfaced where you are naked in a shower... do you think these pictures will be detrimental as you try to move forward?


Are you stupid? I shower most days, 99.9% of the time in the nude. There was once... Would you like to shower with me some time? I don't so much want to with you, but if it will ease your concerns... cleanliness after all is next to...


There are story's that you've had relations with... and counting?


Have you ever had sex? I have, sometimes I feel guilty afterward, most of the time I don't. It's never malicious, it's just part of being human and it is nobody's business, but mine, and the umpteen partners, who have shared Chi with me.




You don't like the imagery of Chi... It's just Chi, it washes away with a damp towel. I'm tired of this interview, so let's cut to the chase; I've done many things in my life. I've been drunk; woken up in precarious positions, had relations with love being absent, when it's present, spectacular! Life is far too complicated and short to try to condemn someone for living it... we're nearing the 7-billion mark on this rock and if you think because a naked picture surfaces or rumours of sexual activity come to the forefront, it makes an individual's core fragile, you'd be wrong!

Life is meant to be lived!

That's why it is called life... if a person is rotten at the core, they'll always be that way: sex, nudity, the occasional drink on a drunken night, some dalliances on the dark side, is not part of the core. Unless they are shrouded in maliciousness and deceit --- and to all those who try to disrobe someone for living life to the fullest, you're simply, lazy. This story is about fitness, a vital part of life, but it is much more than that... it's also about discovery, and what I've discovered is simple, two aspects of life matter: being consistent and more important, being a decent human being. If you nail those two... the rest will fall into place as destiny leads us to where we need to go...

So, go out have sex, shower naked, and if someone gets there panties in a bunch cause they see your naughty bits, screw them, only literally of course.

Mr. Interviewer, I have skeletons, but they're not of the shameful variety, if talking about them will make you feel better about your own life... then what's your next question? Off the record, if that is okay with you?

I'm sure some day a picture will surface sans the giant 155!

What a lucky day that will be!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The quest for happiness and positive change

This article was written in November 2007… does it still wring true?

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The quest for happiness and positive change

What's bugging you?

TALK RADIO! That's what bugs me.

More precisely, sports talk.

Who cares if an athlete plays harder, skates faster, etcetera… it's just sports, and at the end of the day, shouldn't we be more concerned with the perils of the planet and the rate of extinction that we're all facing today?

Sports, celebrity, and unchecked capitalism, although natural to man, isn't to Mother Nature, and unfortunately, we're too distracted to see what may be heading our way. A recent headline: EXPERTS SAY THE NUMBERS OF GEESE ARE A PROBLEM AND IT IS NECESSARY TO DO A CULL.


But we're humans, we're above all other creatures, we're logical…

True, but we're logically working towards extinction and we're even using catch phrases to make it sexy: CARBON FOOTPRINT --- SHOCK & AWE.

We dump millions of gallons of water on fires trying to save million dollar homes, while at the same time Atlanta is running dry and will soon become uninhabitable?

Apparently, without water ---- living gets tougher.

We've placed homes above people, why?

Because the fires are far sexier than a drought --- and sexier sells.

Isn't it time to impact positive change… but how?

By embracing life, the good and the bad parts ---- as hard as that may be to do. If we focus on ourselves, instead of the big picture, we may have a chance. Or are we too envious and distracted by celebrities?

Isn't envy at the root of our problems?

Envy creates: wants, which creates: artificial need, which creates: competition, which in-turn creates: the number one element of our destruction: unchecked radical religious factions greed, resulting in a widening gap between the rich and poor. We've become extensions of marketing campaigns. We've become walking talking billboards

Don't believe it?

Listen carefully…

"I love your shirt." Where'd you get it?" "You must go to… it's fabulous." "How much did you get that for?" "Buy, buy, buy…"

My challenge to you: stop the envy parade and focus on: I love you; I care about… just for one day… bet you can't!

We've been ushered, in my opinion, down the wrong paths for a long time. For the most part we've bought into the distractions of celebrity/athletes --- causing us to spiral upward in the quest for wealth and spiral downward in the destruction of our souls.

Isn't it time to resist the conditioning?

One last thought: embrace life, live it, and be good to others. All others, cause if Atlanta is out of water… others may be migrating to your neighborhood soon, on a global scale…

Monday, June 30, 2008

Craigslist: a breeding ground of hate?

Craigslist: a breeding ground of hate?

I've been visiting Craigslist Rants & Raves for the past few months to put a finger on the pulse of Lower Mainland. For the most part: it's horrific.

R & Rs appears to be a breeding ground for racism, intolerance and hatred. And frankly, it's disgusting. Currently the world is facing a host of problems which may be catastrophic. The list is long: rising gas/food prices, unrest in the Middle East, the growing thirst for consumption as the developing world becomes Westernized.

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Look more and we have: Climate Change, threats of terrorism, more intolerance, a looming water crisis, the eroding of the middle class, and our collapsing infrastructure.

Walk through the DTES and what do you see?

It used to be mostly despair, a place where hope had been erased and all that was left, the shattered pieces of the living dead.

Present day: the despair is still there, the last breaths of fleeting hope still resonate loudly; however, a different episode is playing on life's canvas. Shiny glass towers are rising from where overdose once lay. Opulence is replacing the gutter. Rich is mixing with and then replacing poor. Go today and visit again tomorrow --- the change is occurring in the flash of an eye. If you look close enough the tragedy of life is ever present… it's just being crushed by rebar and concrete. And frankly, I don't think we care. The Olympics are coming: we'll get back to the heartache in a few years.

Politicians sing the right words every now and then, but the words are ephemeral, as the voters are struggling to make ends meat and are thus distracted, feeding and clothing family is priority one, saving the world, let's just say: a tad bit overwhelming for the Lee's, Singh's, and Smith's.

Meanwhile Craigslist's Rants & Raves: is a place where some choose to propagate limited views for the whole world to see. Hatred is the main entrée on the menu. Blaming others seems to be part of the plot. Focusing on different shades replaces pressing realities.

These individuals seem to be too limited in their ways of thinking to understand the degrees of human separation may lead to the same place. There is no superior civilization; there is only superior individual ways of thinking. If we keep promoting division based on anything other than good & evil, we fail. If we continue walking the plank: collectively, the fall will annihilate hope --- fatal if those above you squash you with rebar and concrete.

Racism = paranoia.

We are all connected: the crack baby, produce worker, the Barista, and the CEO. If we can't grasp a hold of that concept it doesn't bode well for the generations to come.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


breaking news flash!

As two-double-ot-eight blasts upon us, promising to be an eventful year which leans more toward pleasure than pain... resolutions registered and smiles have been requested more so than frowns.

Laughter a required necessity!

A trip to the grocer after having a few pops at local watering hole resulted in a valuable life lesson:

Don't buy clumping cat litter when it's pouring rain and you have to walk 10 blocks to get home!

At least the chicken didn't clump!

Mmm... tasty poultry.

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Meanwhile, back at the grocer, lined up for purchase, my turn... it was a long wait. A quick glance around, 7-checkouts, all lined up 10-deep, at least, and it is impossible not to notice a recurring theme:

"Good day, sir. How are you?"

"Well, I was fine, until... until... I noticed something."


"Look around... pretty busy, right?... Do you see it? Including the staff, not a single person in this store is smiling, or for that matter, even look like they're happy. Not one. Everyone looks pained."

Laughter is a required necessity!

That's not the first time I've noticed this trend...

In that moment I realized how important comedy is!

As for the news flash, much like a new church on Monday, 8 days into the year, number 17 can be stroked off my list!

Don't worry, the proper post accomplishment procedures were taken. The hazmat team wasn't required.

Now back to your day!

Wait, before you go I'd like to leave you one thought for your wisdom chest:

It's not love if it ends with a towel!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

talking with deutchland

talking with deutchland
by: seed & euro seed

Cutting edge: most advanced stage: the most advanced and modern stage of something.

That’s what we try to be, not only cutting edge, but innovative and educational at the same time. Not only do we open the door and let you in on some of our inner most feelings --- we also offer much more, we try to give our loyal “reader” some relevant information about the world, hence the educational portion of our site. We’ve concluded: blogging is about much more than talking about what “I” did and who “I” did stuff with and which movie “I” saw, where “I” ate, who “I” like, basically “I” “I” “I” “I” is a tad self absorbed. Life is much bigger than “I”.

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You know what they say: There is no “I” in mutual orgasm. That is what we are here to provide you with, many mutual delectable taught out of this world orgasms. Either that or just a little bit of fun that whisks you away from the mundane and deposits you firmly in the land of ah.

What that means: I’m not entirely sure, I’m just glad the computer screen is not friable or after digesting my dancing words, you may crumple, crumple, pulverize and chuck, swish, right into the waste basket. Nice shot! Too bad about your monitor.

“What the fuck are you trying to say?”

Nothing really, just practicing my typing skills… nah… that’s not it, what I’m trying to relay to you: we believe, wait for it, wait… that life is much bigger than “eye,” and after sipping beers and listening to countless people drone on about their lives, I’ve noticed a common trend, most, not all, can’t get past “eye,” not necessarily a bad thing, however, in my, maybe our (haven’t corresponded with euro seed on that statement yet) opinion: unless “eye” has something much bigger than self attached to it, something that makes the world just a wee bit better, sweeter, more bearable, funnier, sexier, hotter, maybe not hotter as we’re trying to cool the planet now, so I’ve been told, basically, something that teaches us something, “eye” can be pretty fucking boring.

“I got this on sale today.” “I ate a sandwich today.” “I’m thirsty.” “I’m going for a walk.” “I’m stepping outside for a smoke.” “I’m…” You’re one dull…

“Be nice seed.”

Okay, you’re riveting, an amazing conversationalist, do you think that while you’re on your walk smoking your cigarette, that you could, um, maybe, um, develop a personality and try not to be so fucking boring? Well could you?

What’s that, you’re pissed that they are thinking of giving the homeless rooms that are just over 200 sq ft. You think they don’t deserve that much space? Nobody ever gave you anything like that for free. And now your is mission trying to find things that others receive that you never got for yourself and bringing it to everyone’s attention when your not talking about “you,” I’m supposed to be nice, so…

-the above depicts numerous conversations with a professional who believes he's hard done by.
Anyway, we cut the edge at a slightly different angle, sure we share a heaping dose of “eye” as well, but it is “eye” with a purpose. We let you into our lives and our thoughts and we hope that you can take something positive away from the experience. We believe a story that is no more than the characters in the story is not enough, for us it must have be bigger than “eye,” it has to have a message, some comedy, insight, something, just something that makes it redeemable and helps to fill in any voids in thought.

Seed’s and euro seed’s brain candy is an ongoing experiment in life. Many facets of which are constantly being sculpted until we’ve delivered something pliable, tasty, and entertaining. We’re glad that you’re here. We hope you enjoy. Most important, we hope you take something away with you.

As for: talking with Deutschland: we’ll share correspondence between two dear friends, sometimes funny, at others purposeful, perhaps absurd --- always served up with love and respect.

Not only will we be letting you in ever so slightly to our personal domain, but with each installment we’ll offer you a little history on Germany. If you’re not interested, skip over it if you must, but don’t you want to learn something more than just “eye!”

Or are you just here for the many mutual delectable taught out of this world orgasms?

talking with Deutschland installment 1
by: seed & euro seed

germany definition/history

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Germany (jûr`mənē), Ger. Deutschland, officially Federal Republic of Germany, republic (2005 est. pop. 82,431,000), 137,699 sq mi (356,733 sq km). Located in the center of Europe, it borders the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France on the west; Switzerland and Austria on the south; the Czech Republic and Poland on the east; Denmark on the north; and the Baltic Sea on the northeast. The official capital and largest city is Berlin Berlin (bûr'lĭn`, Ger. bĕrlēn`), city (1994 pop., but many administrative functions are still carried on in Bonn (bŏn, Ger. bôn), city (1994 pop., the former capital of West Germany.

That ends today’s installment on Deutschland and brings us to the meat of this installment:

from seed to euro seed: some after our "partial-conclusions" research


Here’s and interesting article to read (see below)… it’s again, amazing, because we’ve spoken of a lot of this stuff without an ounce of scientific proclivity.

I hope he’s wrong.

Either way, we’ve touched on the importance of “retreating” back to more solid individually-based values, as opposed to, mass-produced, media-fuelled distractions or religious fundamentalism. Who the fuck just wrote the last few lines?

Anyway, long before reading this we spoke of the absurdity of changing light bulbs to save the world. Are we collectively that stupid and naïve?

The point: how can Lindsay and Greg see, without researching first, just simply by listening, watching, and trying to still find peace of mind ---- while being unable to blink at the same time, deduce massive global migration is imminent. Be wrong. Be wrong. Be wrong. That goes for us as well. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are.

Mankind’s roster in the developed world is filled with a bunch of morally-debunked followers. They believe what they’re told. Then they puke up words from the press only perpetuating the insanity. “Did you hear about the woman hit by the snow plow?” Shut up!

And to top it off, the religious fanatics actually believe the rapture (Google: rapture clock) is coming, it may be ---- not in a biblical sense, therefore, they believe that they’re going to be gently lifted by God to Heaven above and all of the sinners will be left to perish in painful, earth-belching, God-created ways. So, fuck doing anything… it’s part of God's Grand Plan. No soup for you Ghandi. They’re the selected few. It just happens 1/3 of Americans are likely to believe this, and frightfully, a large portion of the government. God will fix everything… you just wait and see!

I best stop challenging him/her… he’s got a plan! We just need to suffer some more to get it.

We need to laugh. We need to rally the gang, we have a gang?.. and share happy thoughts about the lingering damages created by farting butterflies. Bet you won’t find that on YouTube?

More importantly, we need to figure out why people use tissues after orgasm (including masturbatory orgasms) instead of a towel? Do tissues heat the globe less? Well, do they?

Seriously, I need to know, maybe I’ll take it up masturbation again… but you don’t need to know that, of course.

In the news:

A tiger killing someone at the San Francisco Zoo.
“Experts think the cat got out on it’s own.”


Six people murdered in a home just outside of Seattle.

That helps humanity… a lot. It’s vitally important for making the world a better and happier place… we all need the relentless bombardment of others suffering… fuck, it’s about time we looked in a different direction than what we’re being fed. Isn’t it?

I’m going to look 90 degrees to the left. I’m done this rant for now… except I’m going to spoil the article by giving you the last few lines.

"Some people will sit in their seats and do nothing, frozen in panic. Others will move. They'll see what's about to happen, and they'll take action, and they'll survive. They're the carriers of the civilization ahead."

At the risk of sounding even more perilously close to the Nuthouse, since I don’t think the 4-billion impoverished of this world are gonna be going green anytime soon, are we part of the quote? The vital part? Or are we just as delusional as the rest?

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Munich Der Alte Peter

Hell, I believe it is absolutely imperative for the world to understand the importance of caring for one another, hugging each other, and that we change our fucking greedy ways. It’s not working. If that message fills the universe… at least when whatever comes our way, comes our way, we’ll be treating each other right, instead of trying to kill each other for oil, for water, or for gummy bears!

I think this was a positive rant… was it?

Love you brother in spirit


P.S. Can you go get me a tissue?

The Prophet of Climate Change: James Lovelock

some quick snips from the article

…His step is jaunty, his mind lively, his manner anything but gloomy. In fact, the coming of the Four Horsemen -- war, famine, pestilence and death -- seems to perk him up. "It will be a dark time," Lovelock admits. "But for those who survive, I suspect it will be rather exciting."

In Lovelock's view, the scale of the catastrophe that awaits us will soon become obvious. By 2020, droughts and other extreme weather will be commonplace. By 2040, the Sahara will be moving into Europe, and Berlin will be as hot as Baghdad. Atlanta will end up a kudzu jungle. Phoenix will become uninhabitable, as will parts of Beijing (desert), Miami (rising seas) and London (floods). Food shortages will drive millions of people north, raising political tensions. "The Chinese have nowhere to go but up into Siberia," Lovelock says. "How will the Russians feel about that? I fear that war between Russia and China is probably inevitable." With hardship and mass migrations will come epidemics, which are likely to kill millions. By 2100, Lovelock believes, the Earth's population will be culled from today's 6.6 billion to as few as 500 million, with most of the survivors living in the far latitudes -- Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia, the Arctic Basin…

…"Our future," Lovelock writes, "is like that of the passengers on a small pleasure boat sailing quietly above the Niagara Falls, not knowing that the engines are about to fail." And switching to energy-efficient light bulbs won't save us. To Lovelock, cutting greenhouse-gas pollution won't make much difference at this point, and much of what passes for sustainable development is little more than a scam to profit off disaster. "Green," he tells me, only half-joking, "is the color of mold and corruption."..

…Lovelock knows that predicting the end of civilization is not an exact science. "I could be wrong about all this," he admits as we stroll around the park in Norway. "The trouble is, all those well-intentioned scientists who are arguing that we're not in any imminent danger are basing their arguments on computer models. I'm basing mine on what’s actually happening."…

…According to the accepted wisdom, life evolved here because the conditions were right -- not too hot, not too cold, plenty of water.
Somehow bacteria grew into multicelled organisms, fish crawled out of the sea, and before long, Britney Spears arrived…

It’s a fascinating article from a brilliant mind. Is he right? It’s impossible to tell, I wouldn’t bet the over/under on this one. I hope he’s not… if you take the time to read the whole article and do some additional research, you may find the one thing that scares you the most, it did “eye,” his casual manner of presentation. He doesn’t seem to be an “I told you so” sort of guy. He tackles this from perspective. That’s what scares me the most.

In light of that, I can’t highlight this any louder, sure, do whatever you can to ease your conscious on the pending perils of the globe. Shop green. Just make sure the “green” you’re buying isn’t stuffing the corporate pockets of those who are less than noble. In my opinion: Ego is our downfall, and when Ego is coupled with greed, the fall is unbearably steep.

Let me extrapolate just a wee bit: Do you have a girlfriend, wife, partner, best friend? You don’t? I’m so sorry for you… I’ll be your friend. You have a miniature pony? Lucky you! I’m jealous!

After inflicting your will upon each of the people you “want” in your life, your loved ones, translation: seeing them for what they may become, instead of who they are… and then having to adjust your future projections to reflect on self and your shortcomings. Simply stated: love me for who I am, because I’ll never be who you need me to be. I’m me, not your Ken doll… work on yourself if you want to accept me. I’ll do the same if you’re the one for me.

Good, you get it… love will have a chance if you do. Anyway, will withdrawn, after financial quandaries and unsightly hairs growing where they’ve never grown before, “ewe eyeball hairs,” the things that have a propensity to dismantle relationships: trying to decide where to eat, or what movie to go to, or where’d you like me to shoot my… my… goo! Nice, I’m feeling sleepy now.

Where am I going with this you ask?

Well, you see, once you subtract Politicians, Corporate Heads, The Illuminati, The Freemasons, Religious Fanatics, Steroid injecting role models (chuckle) and any other pompous individual who believes that they are entitled, and you break it down to you and me: How can we possibly change the course of the nearly 7-billion inhabitants on this planet when we can’t trust our messengers? I’ve got a hunch their motivation isn’t inline with ours. I’m not a believer in the apocalypse or a doomsayer, so to speak, however, we’ve got some bumps on the highway ahead of us, don’t you think?

If you don’t… you maybe one of the lucky ones. Sleep may come easy for you. If envy wasn’t a sin… I’d envy you. By the way what are you wearing?.. hot, loosen your jumper just a bit, nice, may I touch… your skin is so soft and silky. Is it getting hotter in here? I feel something rising…oh my… I love the feel of your… SMACK.

Composure regained, where was “eye?”

Oh yeah, 7-billion loved ones all in the same boat teetering above Niagara Falls, must be a big boat, 4-billion of them living on just dollars per day and not reading the same news as us, they’re, like us, just trying to survive, do you really think we can get everyone to agree on the same place for lunch or to go to the same movie? Think back to your loved ones, scary isn’t it?

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Munich Feldherrnhalle

This doesn’t mean don’t try!

For me it just means to scale down the scope of the effort. Sure, do research, as said, go green for your conscious, for most of us it may be the first time we’ve thought of something other than ourselves, which is a nice starting point and a sign the world is becoming a softer place. And that bodes well for our future. The grand scope of things starts at one place, turning “eye” into something much more substantive, something helpful to the bigger picture --- where does one start without becoming overwhelmed?

That’s simple: and a point that I’ll stress over and over and over again at the risk of sermonizing, and I’m not religious, at least not that I’m aware of, anyway, here goes:

  • Treat family and friends like gold. Nurture and support.
  • Likewise for friends.
  • Treat all others with kindness.
  • Dump race and color from your perspective. Minorities don’t exist. Don’t we get that yet?
  • Treat our world with respect, including all living creatures.
  • Smile, hug and love.
  • Have sex, as much as you need, never manipulative, just remember: we’ve got 7-billion people to feed already, so if you’re going to do it for procreation, just make sure you give it a whack of thought. If not, where’d you like me to goo?

I know we bang on these simple points a lot… I think it is vitally important and if we don’t start with self, have a chance, will be stripped from our realities. Just think: If you’re living a full life and treating others well… does it really matter what may be coming our way?

Whatever may be coming our way, civilization will move on, with or without us, let’s just make sure that while Mother Earth is doing her thing, we don’t forget to embrace each day!

To read the whole James Loveslock article click on the following link:


Be Happy!

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