Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Colour Blind

Colour Blind

I am lucky, I no longer see race; I've become colour blind.

Some believe no human is without prejudice; for most, probably --- but there are far more than can be imagined who haven't bought into hate or intolerance.

Part of the problem in today's world those with the least tolerance and fuelled with the most hate, whine the loudest; why, because they live in fear and screaming out at others is all they know.

For me, I'm lucky, I'm Caucasian; however, my heritage is questionable, because of a betrayal by my own family.

I'm lucky, because I've travelled much and partly due to naivety, I never allowed negative voices to affect me, even when intolerance was being directed my way. I concluded; if you don't know me, and you judge me, it's your problem, not mine.

I'm lucky, because my friends are just that, friends, regardless of race, religious proclivity, culture or any other affiliations they may have. I think it is important to treat all with kindness, a smile and a hello, if it is not returned --- don't take it personally.

I don't belong to any group or do I have any affiliation; I try to think for myself, which makes me immune to all those who try to convince me of stereotypes, when I know better. Each individual, regardless of heritage, is capable of warmth and kindness if they are treated with respect and are not bombarded by the hatred of the intolerant.

Most important, even if most think it is naïve; liberal, or whatever else, I'm lucky because I don't blame others for the things taking place in my life. It is amazing the brilliant things you experience when you accept others for who they are.

There are no giant conspiracies between the men/women of this planet, most are just trying to get by and be happy --- the true roots of evil are fuelled by GREED and the separation of class.

It is time for us all to wake up and realize this, it will make the world a richer place in spirit. It will give us all a fighting chance. If we don't clue in soon, well…

Unfortunately, many people can't see past the reflection in their own mirror and continue to blame anyone who doesn't look like them, for all the problems in their life and the world --- which is just plain sad.

We all need to pay attention, HUGE CORPORATIONS are being bailed-out while at the same time the rest of us regardless of race, culture or anything else, are still bickering amongst one another --- are we collectively too stunned to realize, this isn't the way it is supposed to be.

Lindsay Wincherauk is a Vancouver based author check out his website at

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