CNN Study Of The Day
Being an author and entrepreneur my days consist of sending out press releases to as many people as possible announcing the release of my first book Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating. Since me and my co-author do not have the backing of a major publishing house the marketing responsibilities fall directly on our shoulders. To ease the mental pain of the task I often have CNN on in the background for company.
Everyday CNN has a hoard of experts on to discuss such things as new diets, new fitness programs, new ……, well you get the drift, they have experts on virtually every topic spread their wisdom to the populace. I have noticed that quite often these experts are not really telling us anything that we don’t already know. It makes me wonder who funds the studies? So in that vein I am going to try to post the CNN Study of the Day or perhaps I will call it Mr. Obvious. Here it is today’s Study, please feel free to draw your own conclusions.
“Heavy pot smokers may have problems with memory.”

There you have it right from the media giant CNN. Stay tuned hopefully tomorrow I will be able to bring you a fresh helping of knowledge.
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