"Ouch! Damn it!" Sorry about the potty mouth folks, it kind of just slipped out. You see I have painfully had to take some mind numbing employment to keep the Seed Enterprise Marketing Juggernaut moving forward. If you happened to read the story from a previous week titled “Reality Cheque”, you would understand my anguish. Actually in reality it is not all bad, it means instead of focusing 14 hours per day on Seed Enterprises, I now focus 8 or 9 hours on it. The problem is I also spend 6 or 7 hours on the mind numbing, stomach wrenching, gap bridging employment mentioned above. Luckily for me I am not working with 24 hour days, I made a special request to the man/woman in charge, the Grand Poobaa and I was graciously given an extension. My days are now 30 hours. Lucky for me because I use 4 of the extra 6 hours for sleep. I heard a rumor that sleep may actually be important.

I will keep my postprandial ramblings to a minimum. The whole point of the above paragraph is to illustrate that The Seed here, at the offices of Seed Enterprises, will do whatever it takes to make our venture an even greater success than it already is. Thus far we have received 26 reviews on our book with 23 of them being 5 Stars, 2 - 4 Stars, 1 - 2 Stars and we even received our first hate mail. To check out the featured review and the ‘tag lines’ of all of the reviews you may go to http://vancouver.dose.ca/webx?14@@.ee99c43 or to our website at www.seedenterprises.com . We do truly appreciate your support. If you haven’t already we would love it if you were to pick up a copy of our book, we are sure you will be entertained.
If you happened to drop in because you were looking forward to another captivating Thursday story from the Seed point of view, I must apologize, due to the above mentioned numbing of the mind, with the exception of the last 2 ½ paragraphs this week we are running a rerun of a previous Thursday story. We are still offering up some fresh stuff, some interactive fun for you to enjoy. You know the stuff that your friends send to you in mass emails without taking the time to personalize the message. I know you do. For your required entertainment enjoyment we suggest visiting the following:
(our opportunity to change the course of history)
(who doesn’t want to talk like a pirate?)
(a simple game)
Without any further hesitation, we suggest that you sit back and relax and enjoy the rerun. We have simplified it for you all you have to do is click on the link below and you will be whisked away to a land of enchantment. Maybe not enchantment, ignore the enchantment reference and just enjoy. Today’s rerun is titled: Banana Holders
Of course we are unlike the media giants that control the information we are fed regularly, to differentiate ourselves we have decided to offer you up as part of our ongoing desire to entertain, Another Seed Original Image.


“The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd.
The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.
Creativity in living is not without its attendant difficulties
And the unfortunate thing about being ahead of your time is
That when people realize you were right, they’ll say it was obvious all along.”
-Author Unknown
Thanks for dropping by. We promise to serve up something fresh next week, maybe something relating to the rising fuel prices.
Note: Seed Enterprises is always interested in innovative marketing suggestions. If you have any insight you would like to share with us feel free to send us an email. Also, if you or anyone you know may be interested in investing in a dynamic exciting company, once again, send us an email and we get back to you to dicuss the possibilities.
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