I have been formulating this story for a long time now. IN MY HEAD! I have approached it from a vast variety of angles, however, up till today, Thursday April 28th 2005, I was not sure which angle was really the appropriate one to take. It then smacked me directly, full on, in the face. We may be screwed. I must clarify for a second. I hope not. I wish I was stupid. I may be. I’m probably not. I am not quite ready to dawn Sandwich Boards as fashion statement. But…..
You see gas prices have been sky rocketing threatening all aspects of our world. We are a fossil fueled, oil based world, everything about our lifestyles revolve around oil. Our food (both cooking and delivery), transportation, heating (vitally important in the northern climes) and our economic futures and quite frankly our survival as a species. Ironic as it may be the day after the pomp and pageantry involved in unveiling the new Airbus 380, seating available for over 880 or 4oo Americans, unless it has been in the works for a long time now our primary fuel source may be nearing the exhaustion level.


Sure we use smoke & mirrors to try to discount the obvious, local news channels run stories about the exorbitant fuel prices.
Quite often they use sound bites of individuals older than sixty who shout out their anger, “The prices are ridiculous. I remember when…….”
The thing the media neglects is, the simple fact that these people also remember walking uphill to school thru 6 foot snow drifts, bare-footed, both ways.
In today’s age we even have websites dedicated to finding the cheapest gas prices available in a particular area. The problem with this is simple, dumb people visit these websites, hop into their SUV, travel and pollute and basically consume the same amount and in most cases even more fuel in their quest of savings. Rarely would a lawyer making over $100 per hour bother driving an extra 5o miles to fill their tanks. In my estimation these sites are only perpetuating the problem, encouraging more consumption and screwing the world even more.
The general sentiment is maybe the Oil Companies are gouging us. They are only concerned with massive profits. They likely are. I remember when I was in my twenties in the eighties hearing that the Oil Companies were crushing innovative inventions that allowed cars to get 50-70 and even over 100 miles per gallon. The public couldn’t know. Gas was cheap and making profits is the American way. The American Dream. Which leads us to ponder the following question: Is America a country or one large money making corporation?
Oh yeah - what smacked me in the face was this. Today again, April 28th 2005, while I was at home writing my memoirs, which in itself is funny to say, since I don’t think I am old enough to be memoir worthy. G. W. B was on as background music. I think he may have been preempting Oprah. F--g serious. I spoke of these two in a previous publication which I had a hand in writing, entitled, Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating (How not to become a bar regular).
I listened for a couple of minutes and G.W. mentioned the oil crisis facing America today. Not the world, but just America.
He said, “America is currently consuming oil at a rate where we are using 40% more oil than we are capable of producing.” he continued, “We are trying to find other sources (Middle East) and will do what can to ensure that we have an Oil Supply for the future.”
Hmm. G.W. is from Texas.

This prompted more research on my part. I quickly went to the interior of my brain and came up with some thoughts on the matter. If G.W. is on national television talking about this, it must be serious. Smart Cars are popping up all over North America now. Much like the middle class is disappearing and you are either rich or working slaves. Are our roads soon to be sprinkled with either SUV’s or Smart Cars?
With a little more thought I concluded, the SUV may be the last citadel of vehicle luxury. They come equipped with just about every luxury imaginable. And if you want more luxury all you need to do is: “Pimp Your Ride.” In fact if you were to compare an SUV to that of the size of an Urban Condo and Apartment, there would not be much of a difference. Condo - 450 square feet. SUV - 425 square feet. Really, I actually measured. Then I realized the SUV is really the condo of the future. Once our fuel supply is exhausted, SUV communities will sprinkle the roadways of North America.
I hope were not too late. My gut tells me yes. My heart tells me yes. My brain tells me...... Nothing right now. I actually turned it off for a moment so that it won’t distract me while I am writing.
Now if some of the theories are correct and we have already passed “Peak Oil.” Peak Oil theorists state that our current levels of consumption cannot support our current population and unless drastic measures are taken to change our consumption patterns or population we don’t have much time left. Ten maybe twenty years max.
That’s ok, someone will fix it for us. They always do. I now suggest pulling your head out of the sand. Who? The oil of other parts of the world. The Middle East’s Oil. I have heard that other sources of energy are quickly being developed. Soy energy is being developed for instance. I just had a premonition, the powers that be think, Soy Energy would be a great way to power the Oil Drilling Rigs in Alaska.
Perhaps the oil of Alberta. They have a far - far - far - far to the right radical philosophies. The residents of the province of Alberta, actually are starting to believe that they discovered the Oil under their feet. There has even been a hint of a separatist movement brewing in the province. Keep pushing your selfish agenda Alberta and I am certain someone will come looking for your WMD.
Poutine certainly has taken a more serious tone with this story. Sorry about that. Remember it is just one perspective and is meant as food for thought. A couple of more things to ponder: 1. We are either close to out. 2. We have at least 1000 year supply left. Now my question to you is what is worse? If we are not almost out and we do have a 1000 year supply left: Why the fuck are the oil companies gouging us? And to carry it a step further: Why the fuck are we in Iraq?
Just think, if we are out and we have managed to exhaust the supply in less than 100 years and for instance the world population has increased by approximately 3 billion people since 1970 to 6.4 billion. Holy crap! Who wants to tell China who is just starting to get a taste of the North American thirst for consumption, “OF EVERYTHING,” that they can’t? Who? I am serious here, who? I know, I don’t want to?
Just imagine saying, “Hey China no Super Big Gulps for you.”
I almost forgot where I got the idea for this story from. One day I was filling up my small car that I rarely drive and I noticed the price on the pump was 3.5 cents less than the posted price. I thought I had just been lucky. The next day I noticed that the station I filled up at and the competitor across the street had additional new signs advertising savings of 3.5 cents off of the posted price. No memberships required. Hell, not only do we have to deal with the new excessively high prices. We have to look for a bloody sign to save a couple of cents. So to answer the question. Are the Oil Companies gouging us? Regardless of whether we are out of fuel or not the answer is:
In my estimation unless we make some radical changes we are DONE. However, in that spirit lets do something about it. Get out of your SUV and go for a walk. You do remember how to walk now: Don’t you?
Excerpt from the soon to be released book Poutine.
Poutine is: A irreverent guide to day-to-day life and pop culture. Poutine is chalk full of wicked humor, amazing anecdotes, eye popping imagery. Ouch my eyes!!!, hard-hitting commentary and abstract random musings.
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