15 Questions
Bringing Out the Celebrity in Each of Us!
Brought to you by (Your Company) in conjunction with Seed Enterprises.

Preliminary questions. Not the real questions.
Occupation (s)?
Author, original, entrepreneur, comic, aspiring exception, journalist, comic, screenwriter and dreamer.
I also drive construction workers to work and work for a high-end furniture store. Whatever the hell that is.
Dream occupation?
I’m living it now. I’m working diligently at trying to create my own world as a:
Author, original, entrepreneur, comic, aspiring exception, journalist, comic, screenwriter and dreamer.
Now the key is to make a living from it. I won't stop till I do.
With the exception of the writing, I’m working way too much right now to give enough to a relationship.
I forgot.
Actually I have nothing to hide, I’m a sweet, saucy, sultry 4o ish. That was fun to type.
Actually in all reality I just turned 2.
Send me an email if you’d like to know how that is possible.

Good of course.
Wait a second, you’re not talking about those freaky horror flick clowns like……
2. If you were trapped in a elevator for 24 hours with 1 other person: Who would you want it to be?
That is a difficult question.
Do I try to sound sophisticated and pick a famous historical figure?
Do I just pick someone who is ridiculously hot?
Shallow or educational?
I’m leaning towards ed…no sha…..
Damn it, I know.
3. If while struck in that elevator you could have any food imaginable: What would it be?
Nothing that causes flatulence. I’m thinking a wicked salad full of fresh crisp vegetables and fruits. Either Pumpkin or Avgholemeno soup. Jamaican Jerk Chicken from the street vendors of Negril Jamaica. Chase it all down with some ice cold Red Stripes. For desert a tray of Lemon & Butter Tarts.
4. Underwear?
Periodically. Like it sexy hot.
5. The Future: On a personal level: Bright or dim?
Extremely powerfully bright.
6. The Future: On a global level: Bright or dim?
I’d like to say bright, but, I think I’d be lying. Part of the problem with becoming a writer is you gain this sudden awareness and start to look at things from different angles. The problem with this new found awareness is that the world kind of sucks right now. You’d have to be stunned not to realize that.
However, having said that, I truly believe there is more good than bad in this world (maybe I’m the stunned one), and if “the good” puts on their rally caps and raises its voice, maybe we can make a difference. (By “the good” I don’t mean the radical moral majority, they’ve screwed up things for too long now).

7. Where's Paradise?
“Some rich man came and raped the land.
Nobody caught ‘em.
Put up a bunch of ugly boxes.
And, Jesus people bought them.
They called it paradise the place to be.
They watched the hazy sun sinking in the sea.
You can leave it all behind.
Sail to the Lahaina
Just like the missionaries did.
So many years ago.
They even brought a neon sign:
“Jesus is Coming.”
Brought the white man’s burden down.
Brought the white man’s rein.
Who will provide the grand design?
What is yours and what is mine?
Cause’ there is no more new frontier.
We have got to make it here.
We satisfy our endless needs and.
Justify our bloody deeds.
In the name of destiny.
And you can see them there.
On Sunday morning.
They stand up and sing about.
What it’s like up there.
They call it paradise.
I don’t know why.
You call someplace paradise.
Kiss it goodbye.”
-the eagles/the last resort.
Hell, this song is from the 70’s when their was only 3 billion people on the planet. They seemed to be sending the message out that we were messing things up a bit. Maybe they were just HIGH. Who knows.
I guess my answer is as follows, Negril Jamaica, Sitges Spain, Florence Italy, New York City, Vancouver, British Columbia, wherever my dear friends are, my bedroom, your bedroom if there is a wicked connection and of course my home.
Actually any place that I find comfort.
8. If you could change 1 thing about "our" world: What would it be?
Slow it down. Call a time-out. Give the world a chance by putting the brakes on our rampant consumerism.
9. Worst job ever? Best job ever?
Worst: a landscaping job where I carried fridges and stoves up flights of stairs into a new apartment complex.
Best: I’m creating it right now.
10. Passion. What turns your crank?
My crank?
Making some sort of sense of it and as corny as this sounds making a positive contribution.
11. Cats or dogs?
I have a cat, but, I do like both. I maybe lean slightly in favor of the feline though.
12. Anything to promote: Website, friend, band, bar, vibrator......?
You’re on my website so have a look around. Lots of fun stuff. Maybe even some eye candy. Other than that my friends......
I’ll update this answer over time.
13. When did you first realize you were staight, gay or bisexual?
Wow, that is a personal question.
If someone doesn’t answer it does it mean they are hiding something?
I think not.
I think if we define ourselves for the world to see we are limiting reality. Painting oneself with broad strokes. I like to think of myself as an individual.
Maybe I should run for political office.
The answer: I haven’t realized anything yet.
14. How would you like to die?
Do I have to?
In your arms.
Wait, that would be selfish.
Can I change my answer?
My new answer: In your arms.
15. At what age?
At a healthy fit virile 147.
Hey if you'd like to be Seed's Everyday Guy/Gal of the Day. Just submit a recent photo along with the answers to the 15 Questions along with the Intro Questions to askseed@hotmail.com and we will consider you.
You gorgeous devil.
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