Friends from around the web

Now that we get ‘it’ - we promise to provide you with a sort of link Utopia. A place where our rigorous link approval process (264 steps) will assure your linking pleasure.
All you have to do is sit back, click and enjoy!
Local Haunts & Friends

Seed Enterprises
- The link that started our need to start linking. We like to call it the starting link. If you don’t click here you’ll be missing lots of stuff.
Tasty Global Affinities
It’s one big mother of a world. Father for that matter as well. Explore.
Remember Segregation
- An amazingly powerful site that continues with the quest to stomp out racism and segregation. Listen to Martin Luther Kings infamous “I have a dream,” speech. Incredibly moving.
You Think
- You think about the world. You care about the world. It’s now time to do something about the world. Let’s fight for our planet. Great resource to help you understand the issues that impact us all. Touches on topics such as water, urbanization and the environment. Encourages young people to make a difference. A fantastic site!
Aesthetically Pleasing
Feed me better
- Jamie Oliver tackles childhood obesity by offering healthy dining solutions and education to our future superstars. Our children. I love the simple layout of this website. Very easy to navigate and full of advice and interesting factoids.
Let’s Educate
Cool Capitals
- A brilliant site that takes you to 4 of the coolest cities on the globe. Amsterdam, Antwerp, Zurich and Vienna. Explore dining, shopping, art, architecture and the world class nightlife. Highly interactive. Devilishly fun. Stop by and whisk yourself away!
Channel 4’s Rich-O-Meter
- You think you‘ve got it bad. You think you’re broke. You think money may be the key to happiness. See where you stand up financially on the Global Stage. You may be surprised. Mac & Cheese may not be that bad after all.
Weird TV
- The name says it all. Very weird. Very entertaining. A real time waster.
The Lonely Island
- Shorts from the minds who write for SNL.
Channel 4’s Gay-O-Meter
- You want to know which way you swing? Channel 4 out of London may provide you with the answer. Take this simple test and put to rest your sexuality.
Love - Life - Happiness - Advice
Ask Seed
- Who? Seed. Seed will tackle all of your life dilemmas with comedy and brutal honesty. He’ll also throw in some funky original photography & artwork. Click here and you will find the timeless classic: Construction Turf War. You’ll also find THE DA SEEDY CODE. What are you waiting for. Visit - Ask - Laugh - Solve.
Important Link Announcement
Let’s link together. Sausages. Life. Love. Laughter. Let’s just bring it all together and click, click, clickity, clack.
We want you to link with us. If you have a site you think we’d be wise to add. Fire me a message to the seed van @ hotmail . com and tell us why and where we should link you. OK!
We will not link to porn or gambling sites. And if you are trying to sell us something - don’t bother. We just want your link for now.
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