Pursuing ones dreams often is met with dead ends and the frustration of a seemingly endless number of detours. It is a solo journey that can tax resolve and strip away every shred of ambition and drive. Writing can epitomize with a relentless fervor the subjective nature of success.
That brings us to today’s: link o’ the week: Patricia Fry. Patricia is actively involved in offering writers an olive branch and providing valuable insight and guidance in the pursuit of their dreams. She is actively involved in: SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network); Matilija Press, which publishes her book roster; and her own publishing blog (follow the link below).
Anyway, why the link o’ the week?
‘Cause in this day in age it is rare when someone takes an extra step to offer sage advice and encourage others. That is exactly what Patricia has done, after receiving a misguided email regarding my first memoir: Russians, Clowns & Drag Queens, she took the time to write a personalized and in depth reply, offering the said, sage advice.
Writers and would-be-writers, check out Patricia’s site. You’ll be glad that you did.
Patricia Fry
Considered "a maven when it comes to counseling authors in the art of publishing and selling their books" and "one of the most well known writing gurus," Patricia Fry has been working with other freelance writers and authors for over two decades. She is a literary and manuscript consultant, an editor and a teacher. She can help you write a book with more publishing potential and she can guide you in preparing a more successful book proposal.
Patricia Fry started writing for publication in 1973, when her three daughters were teenagers. While watching her girls graduate, helping them plan their weddings and welcoming her grandchildren, she wrote only part-time. And she continued writing at every opportunity even after accepting a full-time job. In 1990, however, Patricia quit her job and began devoting all her time to her writing career.
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