Fitness Challenge/155 revisited:
this time it's personal!
Welcome back!
That sentiment is directed at me... it's about time I returned, this time to an unusual extent! Won't you come along with me as I whip my already somewhat fit physique into the land of...?
Anyway, 155 has returned, this time, there are other participants who've joined in; we're individuals inspiring for the greater good... from September 14th, 2008 until the last day of the year we're embarking on a journey to the land of never ending happiness, a land where you can always see the sun...
"Stop it."
Anyway (squared), here's a link to my progress, you're welcome to have a look-see!
Don't let the picture disturb you… in fact the picture is telling a bit of a fib, that's more like 175.
What does 155 represent… you ask?
Well, other than being one fine sexy damn number; a one, followed closely by a couple of fives what's more sexy than that?
"247, c'mon, please!"
One: the beginning --- five: half way there --- another five: a pause to enjoy making it that far... shall I continue?
You're right… I'm not making sense.
Anyway, perhaps one of my favourite words, or is it perhaps, anyway, let's get back to the picture, that sure is one gigantic five, it would have to be, wouldn't it?
Why include this picture?
That's a reasonable assumption, but it is only partially correct; I guess the reason to include it takes on a whole array of reasons. To begin with, it's a way to destroy my political/public life before it even gets off the ground.
"You have a political/public life?"
To continue, if anyone is going to sabotage, me, it may as well be me, I'll let you in on a little secret, I shower, most of the time in the nude. Luckily, for the meeker members of society, when the picture of me showering was snapped, a giant embossed 155 just so happened to be hovering in front of me, and my, delectable package! How do I know it's delectable?
Studies have been done... sometimes quick, other times, long slow, pleasurable and...
...and the end result of the studies: that would be their findings: pleasure was had by all. On occasion out of deep rooted conservatism, feelings of guilt would ensue, draping me in a dirty feeling, a feeling which would lead to a need to find a connection, after the connection was broken, if you understand my gist. Once and a while a towel would be summonsed from the towel holding area --- sometimes the towel could wait!
You know what they I say:
If it ends with a towel---it's not love!
All towelled off after my... shower, just a second, not only were the meek blessed by the ginourmous 155 --- my hand also acts as a barrier of protection for those who are not so blessed, enabling them to keep their fragile egos in tact.
"You about done...?"
With that in mind, follow me, actually, follow yourself, you can use me as a guideline, my friends too, if you like. Along the way remember to take deep breaths, pause, and enjoy, where you want to go isn't as important as enjoying the brilliant moments along the way; even the naked ones; especially: the naked ones...!
You're not a prude are you?
If you are, life must suck for you.
Note: the original challenge was entitled: 155... It has been changed; it is now 160...
That's all for now, now get over here, towel me off, and enjoy your visit.
To track my progress visit:
A sampling of my first day in public office
Some disturbing pictures of you have surfaced where you are naked in a shower... do you think these pictures will be detrimental as you try to move forward?
Are you stupid? I shower most days, 99.9% of the time in the nude. There was once... Would you like to shower with me some time? I don't so much want to with you, but if it will ease your concerns... cleanliness after all is next to...
There are story's that you've had relations with... and counting?
Have you ever had sex? I have, sometimes I feel guilty afterward, most of the time I don't. It's never malicious, it's just part of being human and it is nobody's business, but mine, and the umpteen partners, who have shared Chi with me.
You don't like the imagery of Chi... It's just Chi, it washes away with a damp towel. I'm tired of this interview, so let's cut to the chase; I've done many things in my life. I've been drunk; woken up in precarious positions, had relations with love being absent, when it's present, spectacular! Life is far too complicated and short to try to condemn someone for living it... we're nearing the 7-billion mark on this rock and if you think because a naked picture surfaces or rumours of sexual activity come to the forefront, it makes an individual's core fragile, you'd be wrong!
Life is meant to be lived!
That's why it is called life... if a person is rotten at the core, they'll always be that way: sex, nudity, the occasional drink on a drunken night, some dalliances on the dark side, is not part of the core. Unless they are shrouded in maliciousness and deceit --- and to all those who try to disrobe someone for living life to the fullest, you're simply, lazy. This story is about fitness, a vital part of life, but it is much more than that... it's also about discovery, and what I've discovered is simple, two aspects of life matter: being consistent and more important, being a decent human being. If you nail those two... the rest will fall into place as destiny leads us to where we need to go...
So, go out have sex, shower naked, and if someone gets there panties in a bunch cause they see your naughty bits, screw them, only literally of course.
Mr. Interviewer, I have skeletons, but they're not of the shameful variety, if talking about them will make you feel better about your own life... then what's your next question? Off the record, if that is okay with you?
I'm sure some day a picture will surface sans the giant 155!
What a lucky day that will be!
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