A wise man once said, "A creative mind which allows itself, to wane in misery, will only survive if it accepts its essence and proceeds."
What that means, I'm not entirely sure, who the wise man was, don't know that either; all I do no for certain; I've waned somewhat, which like, entirely sure, waning, isn't, entirely true.
Regardless of the perceived waning, which by the way is a bit of a fallacy, I've actually pitched numerous article ideas to my editor; as always, on my perceptions of a world I see in some state of dysfunction, to which I am usually greeted with, "Great articles, I agree with most of what you see; can't publish them though. You're dangerous."
- Stop looking.
Rats, not capable of doing so; therefore, who the frig cares if I'm published in the manipulative mainstream; I've decided to share my future articles with the one or two people who stumble across this site.
Thus, reader(s), prepare for a plethora of activity...
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