Thursday is upon us and as always, well, maybe not quite as always since we have only been posting for a couple of months. We hope eventually it will turn into an as always sort of thing, but for now, it is simply just another Random Thought Thursday Post.
I have lots of twisted humorous thoughts swishing around in my head that I will be sharing with you in the near future. Stay tuned I will be eventually sharing a story on “Zero Calories” and “Banana Holders”. I promise you won’t likely be disappointed if you check back from time-to-time for these stabs at writing genius.
This post is basically a transcript taking from a message board thread. Not the whole thread, just a single entry. You see a well meaning friend had posted on a message board a suggestion to check out our Entertaining Advice Column Blog Ask Seed, you may find it at . Much to my surprise some of the readers found that to be offensive, not the column, which may actually be offensive to some, but, the mere suggestion of checking it out. Anyways, this is a taste of how the Seed handled the vicious attacks.
An Author’s Dilemma

hard at work?
Being a new author I am faced with many challenges on a daily basis. First off, I am proud of what I have accomplished, for those who have taken the time to put their thoughts on paper only to have the process take on a life of its own, eventually turning into 300+ pages of personal insight and passion would understand the feeling. It is one of exhilaration, fear and self-doubt. After-all we usually are our own harshest critics. Secondly, with the completed manuscript firmly in hand, one is left to ponder: Now What? Do I just leave it on the kitchen table for the odd visitor to glance at? Or - Do I strum up the confidence to attempt to share my new creation with the world? Knowing full-well the second option may lead down a road to rejection and frustration. What if it is not accepted? What if no one likes it? What if no-one will publish it? What if I am plain and simply just nuts and my writing is nothing more than some inane dribble fit only for the bottom of a pets cage?
After a few kind souls had taken the time to read several chapters the feedback started to roll in. This feedback was incredibly encouraging. A wide variety of individuals, from all walks of life indicated to me that they found something in my writing to be compelling. That perhaps I had found my calling. Those words helped stoke my enthusiasm. I too had come to the conclusion that I had actually found my calling. Now the challenge was to try to find a way to sustain my existence with it. I was not going to allow myself to quit. I decided that no matter how hard the journey may be, I was going to share my words with the world.
The day the book was released, was without question the proudest day of my life. It represents my greatest accomplishment. It is fascinating, I didn’t find writing, it found me. It found a way to etch its way into my 'psyche' and once you accept that, you realize that there is no escape. Though that day was filled with excitement and achievement, it also provided intense almost debilitating fear. My book was no longer my own. It now belonged to the world. No retractions will be allowed. The question now for an up-and-coming author is: Do I let the book fade away into obscurity to be read only by friends and family, or do I drum up the courage to spread the word to as many people as possible? I have chose the latter. When you are a new author without the large bank roll and publishing machine that a Stephen King, J.K. Rowling and even the Authors of the catch phrase book “He’s Just Not Into You”, one needs to find ways to become creative.
This all leads us to the internet. I am not sure what people actually believe the purpose of the internet is. People take offence at the mere thought of any shameless self-promotion. A large portion of the populace, and I must admit, I find this unbelievably absurd, think it is a place of communication. Hordes of individuals enter chat rooms and post messages on message boards under the ‘guise’ that they are really not in any manner promoting themselves. Yes I do know it has opened up the minds of countless individuals allowing them to explore and experience things that they would have never been exposed to before. However, on the downside, it has created a place where a increasingly large number of lost souls have escaped from reality into a world where they can remain anonymous, creating their own alternate reality. Is this good? Maybe to a point, but in reality the art of conversation and physical interaction may be falling by the wayside. How many of you have spent increasingly longer periods of time trying to find some solace and comfort in front of the computer? The computer has in my estimation, created a level of social ineptness that is yet to be defined.
As for the self-promotion. I am proud of my accomplishment. I want to draw attention to it. I want people to read it. I want them to form opinions about it both good and bad. I find it bizarre that in chat rooms and on message boards people find it ok to talk about other products as long as it is not their own. Whether it be a restaurant, a store, clothing line, book, movie or play just to name a few. I also find it strange that most people don’t realize what they are doing is self promotion. That basically is what most opinions are. We share our beliefs with others, either suggesting things we enjoy or in an attempt to sway opinions to our way of thinking. Just because there is no associated product to sell doesn’t eliminate the self promotion. I have read enough of the strings on this board to draw that conclusion (referring to a specific message board). In a way Devo is even self promoting. Maybe not doing a stellar job at it, but promoting nonetheless. I am also sure each and every person who spends anytime online has experienced it and will experience it as long as computers exist. To me that is what sharing information is all about. I want authors who are proud of their books to encourage me to purchase their works.
I would love to share the story of how the book came to be, but heaven forbid that I boast. Sharing a review and a link to a column was met with disdain and a hint of anger. I struggle to understand why. I am not promoting a toaster oven. I am promoting basically words. Everyone has the choice to either read them or disregard them. My book is about love, life, relationships and the state of the world today, from my perspective. I am exceptionally proud of it. I truly believe that most people would enjoy it. It may offend some, but I believe it will make those who read it think a bit about the course we are currently on and how we are treating one another. If I don’t act as the conduit to spread the news, no one will. I sincerely hope each and everyone of you who happens to read this at least takes the time to check out my efforts. Who knows you may find you enjoy it. If you do please encourage others. I would greatly appreciate it. Whatever way you slice it, the choice is yours.
Have a fantastic day!
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