Tuesday is upon us once again and seeing that is sweeps week we are providing you another fresh installment of Seed’s Life. You may be asking yourself how can a blog have sweeps week? Let us take a second to answer your query for you. By sweeps week we mean, our website at www.seedenterprises has taken on a fresh spring look, our blogs are starting to be image enhanced and finally we are in the process of completing our Spring Newsletter for Seed Enterprises, titled “Spring Has Sprung.” Pretty darn original don’t you think. You may think it took hours to come up with something so catchy. Well friends, in reality, 1.3 seconds, that was all the time spent brainstorming required to come up with that marketing gem. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, if you haven't already taken the time to sign up for our newsletter, now would be a perfect time. All you need to do is go to our website and follow the instructions there. Tell your friends.
Without any future hesitation here is another installment in the continuing saga of:
Seed’s Life
(Points 21-25)

full moon
- I used to dive down stairs face first on my chest and pick up my coat with my teeth at parties. People enjoyed it. I don’t know why. Mr. Zamko, Darryl Zamko’s dad used to have push-up contests against Darryl’s under-aged drinking friends. When I think about that now. That was pretty fucked up.
- I will never understand what motivated Danny Servetnyk. Danny liked to gamble. I remember 1 year in I think we were in grade 10, we decided to each make a stupid bet for $200. I am a Montreal Canadians fan, or shall I say WAS, since hockey no longer exists (I don’t miss it). Danny was a Detroit Red Wings fan. It was half way thru the season and the Habs had lost 7 games to that point in time, so I decided for my bet that I would bet that the Habs would only lose 8 games for the entire season. Also, at this time Detroit was in last place and pretty much done for the year. Danny’s stupid bet was that the Red Wings would win the Stanley Cup. Montreal promptly went on a 29 game unbeaten streak and only lost 1 out of their last 40 games and as for Detroit, they finished out of the playoffs. Danny wasn’t happy.
- During the worst year of my life I was told no less than 50 times that I am incredibly hot. I really don’t get it. I have mirrors. I am not even exaggerating here. My two favorites are these. A beautiful girl walked across a crowded patio at a bar and walked up to me and said: “You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen.” Nothing more. Then she simply turned and walked away. I had been crying only minutes earlier. A friend of mine had committed suicide the day before. The other just happened a few weeks ago. I was told that I am so hot that when this person drove by me, the windows of their car steamed up. I looked back at them and just smiled and said - “I’m drunk.” It was still nice to hear though.
- The first time I drank alcohol I was of the legal age. I bought 6 beers, snuck them into my room, poured them two at a time into a big mug and guzzled. In the dark I might add. I managed to drink them in 19 minutes. For some strange reason I slept in the bathtub in my underwear that night.
- I am a Cancer, that means I am both the funniest and wittiest of signs. “I concur.” Cancer’s are supposed to be very nurturing. “I agree with that as well.” I don’t agree with us being momma’s boy. I wasn’t given the chance.
Check back in a week for points 26-30. By the way I highly recommend this exercise to each and every one of you, it may help you to unlock the doors to the future. See you again soon!!!
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very cool blog!
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