Dear Publishers/Agents/Movie Producers/You?:
With the power of the internet... I'd be amiss if I did not send my manuscript query out to the cyber world. Perhaps, that's not the way the publishing industry prefers to operate, instead, they seem to be slowly adjusting to the changing times and still require fledgling authors to go through the tried but true procedure of: query, double-spaced samples, and then rejection, disguised as, "due to the volume of manuscripts we receive... PFO!"
Apparently, their job is to read, however, not really, as they don't have the time to respond. I have the urge to rant, but it's probably not the best course to take.
Anyway, below is the query for my manuscript, the book is good... I'm certain of that. Little victories have confirmed that fact. They came in the form of publishers expressing how; interesting, original, beautifully presented, intriguing, abstract, bizarre and how good the manuscript is. Again, however, since fame hasn't paid me a visit, yet, no contract has been offered.
A celebrity craps... they get a book deal. A real person lives an amazing life, and it's: doubled-spaced with a SASE envelope, at great expense I might add, and who are you?
"No... we're too busy. And besides, we decide what people want to read!"
Hopefully, I haven't offended any potential (see greeting), I guess I likely haven't offended my publisher... he'll/she'll understand my frustration. If you are interested in working with a passionate author to bring an amazing story to life. I look forward to hearing from you!
postscript: Really a simple question: does the publishing industry need to learn from the mistakes of the recording industry?
That brings us to!
(letters to ed)
Not every day, does someone watch both of their parents die, only to have them magically come back to life eighteen years later!
I am seeking representation for my memoir, russians, clowns & drag queens (letters to ed), complete at 200,000 words. The sequel, Play, is nearing completion and is the continuation of a journey through a fascinating and at times tumultuous life.
I love life and all of the plot twists, both good and bad that it delivers --- the trauma, heartache, colorful characters, hilarity, and the struggle for survival. My life has contained all of these elements on a grand scale and a level that without question… is far greater than that of any fictional character that could be created. russians, clowns, & drag queens (letters to ed), introduces you to a brilliant character, and takes you on an incredible ride through his life.
Imagine a boy named Lindsay, growing up as the youngest of seven. Imagine that boy going through life trying to find his place in the world, screaming out for attention, however, nobody notices - his voice remains silent as he’s trying desperately to fit square pegs into round holes. He knows no better.
His life fills with hope and dreams and he traipses through life with reckless abandon. He creates an imaginary world rich in friendship and tries to remove himself from the daily fights and drama that are present in his family life. He still shouts out, “look at me.” Nobody is looking. His parents are too old, and his brothers and sisters for the most part, don’t care. He still knows no better.
He succeeds in everything he participates in --- in two year stints. In his youth his father becomes ill --- a nine year struggle with cancer, finally succumbing on the day after Lindsay’s twenty-fifth birthday. A year later his mother faces the same dark demon, and after a year long battle, things are looking up!.. until one night, her pain returns and she needs to return to the hospital. On the steps of the family home with tear-filled eyes she looks at Lindsay and says, “I’m never going to be home again, am I?” He tried to remain strong fighting back emotion, and replied, “Of course you will.” Lindsay, knew he was lying. Less than a week later he watched her die. In fact: Lindsay was the only one of the seven children to watch both of his parents take their last breathes of life.
With his parents gone the family splintered apart and Lindsay headed out into the world trying to find his place and assign meaning, alone. Fortunately, his life of ‘screaming out,’ helped him to develop personality, a sense of humor, and the ability to dream. Not without challenges caused by a lack of direction and the struggle to find a sense of belonging. Regardless of the challenges he tackled life head on.
And, what a life it has been! it has been filled with almost unfathomable twists and turns ranging from: buying a hotel in Jamaica, a run in with Manuel Noriega, meeting the Dalai Lama, a near fatal motorcycle accident, playing basketball with Fox Mulder, breakfast with Michael Chiklis, thirteen surgeries, being mistaken for Vin Diesel, finding and losing love --- all the way to a simple conversation with and old man on a bus bench about what really matters in our journey through life.
Then BANG! Everything changed in a heartbeat. Fast-forward… 2003. In a two month time-frame he faced: the collapse of a relationship, five deaths in rapid succession, including a young friends suicide, and, family and friend alienation. Life was spinning out of control. Lindsay was crying every day and needed to escape. He needed a new passport and in the process needed a new birth certificate. Weeks flew by, the tears continued --- still no birth certificate. He inquired about the delay and a civil servant told him that they couldn’t issue him one. He asked, why? To which he was casually met with, “Could you phone your parents and ask them who your real parents are?” In a flash, everything before became a lie and his parents came back to life --- a bizarre and heart-wrenching part of the plot line. His mother… not good news. His father… a mystery, to be solved by a little old lady, and a three year relationship commenced.
russians, clowns & drag queens (letters to ed), takes the reader on a ride through an amazing life. It’s about survival, assigning meaning, and picking up the pieces without becoming too damaged in the process. Readers will be able to relate to: finding first love, learning to drive, experimenting with sex, drugs, and alcohol. They’ll also find bits of themselves in Lindsay’s unrelenting struggle for survival after life had repeatedly knocked him down. This story, my story, has a little bit of everyone in it. The most amazing thing: IT’S A POSITVE STORY with a powerful message. If I can survive - anyone can!
If I had to compare my book to others, I can’t. I can tell you, it’s a combination of everything I’ve been exposed to in life, both good and bad. It is bizarre, abstract, wacky, tragic, emotionally draining, and at times, hilarious. It’s life! Everyone’s life. It’s about hiding behind wit and intelligence and trying to escape uncertainty when there is nowhere to hide and nobody to hide from. It’s not perfect --- neither is life!
I've been writing professionally for five years and am currently a freelance journalist. My articles appear regularly in the 24 Hours Vancouver (circulation 220,000 daily). I’ve also co-authored one book and have made several television and radio appearances. I love telling stories and this is truly an amazing tale! Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kindest Regards,
Lindsay Wincherauk, Author
Vancouver, BC
Tel: *** ***-****
P.S. In the words of the old man on the bus bench: People matter. It is as simple as that…
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