cha - cha - change: a clean slate
by: lindsay wincherauk
by: lindsay wincherauk
As the odometer is about to roll over on another year it once again becomes time to sit back and do a little reflecting on what was, and what some simple tweaks may bring our way in the future to brighten the day. I’m not one to jump on the get fit, drink less, focus more, bandwagons… those are just givens and for the most part, in my opinion: set us up for failure. Fitness, health, and focus need to be ongoing quests for each and every one of us and not signs of failed attempts brought to our attention on a yearly basis right after the gluttony of the holiday season. And besides, I’m always somewhere between fit and fat, as said before in a previous post, I’m usually, “fet,” and that is good enough for me, except when I’m in competition mode… there just aren’t very many competitions ahead. In that spirit:

…until further notice.
That’s not a copout, it’s just been a little hectic and emotionally draining on the home front, resulting in one heck of a challenge just to keep from sinking. My fitness challenge helped…it helped by giving me the odd endorphin rush and it also dragged me away from my own quagmire of over-thinking my familial turmoil. I’ve survived, I think, just barely. I’m definitely looking forward to 2008 and what lay ahead for me and all of my friends. As for 155, the whole point of the experiment was to instill some positive lifestyle choices and regain some awareness --- on that front it has been a rousing success and 155 is still the ultimate goal, as said, I’ve got some time to get there and I’ll keep you up to date on the results. 155 also earmarks some research I’m doing for an exciting book project: Put Down the Fork. Stay tuned.
Also stay tuned for the first installment of:

That’s not a copout, it’s just been a little hectic and emotionally draining on the home front, resulting in one heck of a challenge just to keep from sinking. My fitness challenge helped…it helped by giving me the odd endorphin rush and it also dragged me away from my own quagmire of over-thinking my familial turmoil. I’ve survived, I think, just barely. I’m definitely looking forward to 2008 and what lay ahead for me and all of my friends. As for 155, the whole point of the experiment was to instill some positive lifestyle choices and regain some awareness --- on that front it has been a rousing success and 155 is still the ultimate goal, as said, I’ve got some time to get there and I’ll keep you up to date on the results. 155 also earmarks some research I’m doing for an exciting book project: Put Down the Fork. Stay tuned.
Also stay tuned for the first installment of:

The story of a crime fighting Super Hero and his trusty companion as they travel the globe drowning out the forces of evil. It should will be exciting!
That brings us to:

That brings us to:

My list is part comedy, part serious, and definitely all me. In 2008 and beyond I resolve to:
- Try to be 33.33% less funny. That’s right, I’m going to give up some of my funny, don’t worry, I’ll still be cranking at 66.6% on the guffaw index, and since funny comes from pain… I think giving up some of it will allow my emotional first-aid kit to have a break. I don't think you're funny now! Oh yeah!
- Cry as often as I need to.
- Be more handsomer.
- Spin in circles less.
- Smile more.
- Sit down more often.
- Continue pursuing my passions.
- Have my Memoir published along with continuing working on several other exciting, glamorous, insightful, and exceptionally hilarious writing projects.
- Dump the guilt from the sexual equation. Except solo sex… ewe… touching oneself for pleasure --- I can think of one thing: blindness. I’m already blind in one eye… can’t risk pleasure --- making it two. What’s that?.. it won’t make me blind. You can leave now, I won’t be needing you here anymore… I said go, okay, you can stay, as long as we spoon afterward. Did you want to hear my hopes and dreams?.. hey, where are you going? Come back…
Save the world.- I’ve just been informed no one man can save the world, thus, I’m just going to continue doing the best I can at being kind to all others. Translation: removing judgment.
- Make a stranger smile everyday… what’s that?.. You think it conflicts with number 1? Trust me, even by giving up a third, there will still be enough funny to go around for everyone.
- Dance more.
- Reconnect.
- Purchase my own home. A stretch?.. we’ll see, it’s down on
papercomputer screen now --- which happens to be a big part of the battle, I'm told. - Say I love you.
- Have an orgasm on a Tuesday… I think I was shut out on Tuesday last year. Too much information?
- Dump my Fear of Success. Success is not a bad thing, and a dose of it will help big time with numbers
10, 11 and 19. - And last but not least, let love, happiness, health, and prosperity in through the front door.
That’s all for now friends. Sending each and every one of you good wishes for 2008 and the years to come as we’re all in this big game of life together. So, therefore, lets collectively rise above what Politicians and Corporations are selling us --- together we can once again make this world a brilliantly fantastic place!

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