lindsay’s life or a bizarre movie script: the game show
by: lindsay wincherauk
Dateline: December 13th 2007
An exciting and bizarre new game show is sweeping the nation by storm:

Each installment contestants will listen to a relentless parade of events and bizarre plot twists… at the end of which they must decide if what they’ve just digested is part of Lindsay’s life or a bizarre movie script. Pretty self explanatory. Contestants are playing for…
Scene 1
December 12th 2007
On this day, the 20th anniversary of watching his mother pass away, who wasn’t really his mother by the way, his father, who’d magically came back to life 4 years ago, called. Lindsay and his father who came back to life (18 years after Lindsay watched his father die) built a 3 year relationship over the phone before they finally happily met --- happened not to be his real father, a fact Lindsay was forced to inform his father of after receiving DNA test results --- his non-father contacted Lindsay’s real mother, who won’t admit to being his real mother, who happens to be dying by the way, to ask her who’s Lindsay’s new real father?
I reiterate, he called on the 20th anniversary of Lindsay watching his mother die. Just a coincidence?
Contestants: Is this a bizarre movie script or is it Lindsay’s life?
Stay tuned for the next installment… coming soon.
On a lighter note: here’s another original article which has been pitched to the media. I hope you enjoy!.. and have a
Wonderful Christmas!
immigration: are we being duped?
by: lindsay wincherauk
Are we being duped by our politicians? Our fearless leaders?
Which of the following is the greatest threat to our way of life: terrorism, global warming, violent weather, illegal immigration, peak oil, crime, hockey’s goal shortage, or greed? Come to think of it: what is our WAY of life?
We’re facing rising oceans, wildfires, and Americas deep south is immersed in a severe water crisis --- coupled with rising temperatures. With unrelenting heat and no water, what’ll quench insatiable thirst? Is unlivable on the horizon?
Some experts claim drinking water in Atlanta Georgia, will expire by years end. This problem is not restricted to just Georgia, seven other states whose main source of water comes from the Colorado river could soon be facing a similar calamity --- the river is running precariously close to dry. For more information, Google it!
Why is this important to us in the at-times-drowning Pacific Northwest?
If this crisis is real, and the temperature and droughts don’t subside, maybe not this year, but sometime in our lifetime, millions upon millions of American immigrants will be created by changing climate. Without water areas will quickly become uninhabitable, with residents migrating in search of new places to live. Sounds alarming. It is?
How are we being duped?
Turn on the news and listen to the candidates battling in the US election campaign. The message seems to be skewed. No longer is terrorism the main fix. Global warming does occupy the stage, only somewhat. The number one issue: illegal immigrants and what they’re doing to our way of life. They’re taking our jobs is shouted loud and clear. They can come but we must be able to track them, make them legal. Tag them so we can control them. Sound familiar? What’s your SIN?
News flash: Most Americans/Canadians haven’t wanted, or won’t, do the jobs immigrants are willing do for low pay, for a long, long time now. And, I guarantee: the illegal ones aren’t working as doctors and lawyers.
Could the politicians and corporations be distracting us from what is really important by creating enemies who aren’t really there? Aren’t most people on this planet just trying get by and be happy? Do you really think people at the dinner table in (insert developing nation here) are discussing hatred for America? Do you think new immigrants are reporting to Dr. Evil at the end of each day?
“Our plan is working to perfection. We’ve got them just where we want them. I’m prepared to do whatever I need… sorry, gotta go, American Idol is on and I just financed a HD television. I’ll get back to the master plan tomorrow… or the next day. How about, I’ll call you when I’m ready?”
If we buy into the propaganda, we’re supposed to shun all those who are different by putting up borders and keeping them out. We’re supposed remove tolerance and diversity from the equation. Our warmth is to be turned cold.
The holidays are upon us, and whether you say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, or Bingo Bango Luongo, who cares, as long as you treat others with respect and are trying to find happiness yourself.
Diversity and tolerance is what makes Vancouver/Canada great. With the prospect of drought in the south, we’ll need it, the Americans may be on our doorstep soon. And, I’m certain they won’t care whether or not they’re legal or not. Unlike the immigrants before who came in search of a better life… the Americans will be coming because they want/need something we have.
Lindsay is a Vancouver based author. For information visit
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